WATCH: Mitt Romney Makes THE Announcement – Confirms It! – IOTW Report

WATCH: Mitt Romney Makes THE Announcement – Confirms It!

This just keeps getting dumber and dumber…

RINO Mitt Romney is doubling down on climate change in a way that only a RINO like Romney can do.

Senator Mitt Romney is literally releasing campaign-like propaganda videos talking about how the Great Salt Lake is low because of climate change.

Of course he doesn’t provide any real solutions. He just wants Americans to sympathize with liberals like himself.

As the real issues threaten our country like the Border Invasion, inflation, a recession, tensions with China, the rise of ISIS and the Taliban – Romney is instead focused on… a lake.

This is why the Republican Party can’t have nice things!

Do YOU think Mitt Romney is bad for America? Comment below and let us know what you think!

27 Comments on WATCH: Mitt Romney Makes THE Announcement – Confirms It!

  1. Lakes are drying up everywhere! Lake Powell and Lake Mead are in a world of hurts. Europe’s rivers are drying up as well. There has been severe droughts in the past (google it). I can see some civil wars breaking out over water. It’s like food, we need both. TSHHIF.

  2. Willard is angling for the job of Planetary Overlord. I just hope and pray the planet isn’t Earth. The U.S. would certainly be better off if he were one of the sociopolitical elite of, say, Andorra.

  3. And I actually put this dipshits sign in my yard and voted for him and the boy wonder to stop Obama. Thank GOD they lost and that brought Trump. Mitt like Cheney has never been the same.

  4. Funny thing about water is it comes and goes. It’s a natural cycle of the planet. Do you know the largest underground salt mine is 1800 feet under Lake Huron and the salt extends for 1800 feet below that? It used to be salt water. Now it’s fresh water and part of the Great Lakes. That means there was oceanfront property in the area. Think of all the tax dollars it would take back in the day to keep that oceanfront property from moving inland and becoming a freshwater lake.

  5. Mittens gods are no match for The Gods of climate change.
    We are doomed to outer darkness and dryness, Elohim save us.
    Or maybe he’s sending the water to kolob?

  6. fun fact: on average, rain produces enough water to completely cover the Earth w/ one meter of water EVERY YEAR!

    … just not particularly where folks want it
    here, on the right coast, it’s been a downright wet summer (July broke a record)

    it’s only the assholes in charge that make the scarcity … & then suck more money from us, ’cause they have the solution … & the rubes fall for it every time

  7. I’m in Utah and would send Mitt an email about this, but I’ve sent him so many in the past that I’m sure I’m on his own personal terrorist watch list! I don’t even get the auto-generated replies anymore!

  8. Well if you’re in power and in front of cameras your part of the game, or else.

    Anyone remember the mass exodus of CEO’s the summer before the plandemic? It was big news and rather mysterious. Just a coincidence, or were they being given a chance to be in or out? I mean out peacefully, not like the big splashy example of say, a JFK.

  9. Mitt Romney never had any substance and offers nothing for anyone. For these reasons he jumps on some bogus ‘climate change’, a natural occurance since time began. I mean really—what else does he have? LOLOL

  10. Who’s watering their crops with salt water? Did I hear that in his little propaganda video?
    Is he trying to conflate the efforts of a private company to bring water up from underground and the Great Salt Lake level?

  11. He just wants Americans to sympathize with liberals like himself.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not liberal. Ask them.

    And those are the only votes that matter. For Brother Mitt’s ruling. Over Americans.

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