Watch out for the ‘Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health’ – IOTW Report

Watch out for the ‘Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health’

Watts Up With That?: The website, owned by a previously unknown group called the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (“the MedSocCon”), published a MEDICAL ALERT! report and other climate alarmism materials, targeted at physicians. MedSocCon attempts to use medical doctors and other health care providers to alarm their patients about climate change, to tell their patients to vote for the left Democrats (“Vote for elected leaders that will act to cut climate pollution,”) and to engage in political activism (“Join local efforts to fight climate pollution.”)

But the worst part is that these materials also instruct doctors to give wrong advice to their patients, both adults and children. For example, a poster for children speaks directly to kids over the heads of their parents and tells them to bike to school. Dangers and high fatality rates of biking compared with driving are not mentioned. A “Heart Health” poster advises heart patients to replace their car trips with biking and walking. MedSocCon gives these materials to doctors to use in diagnosing and/or treating illnesses and diseases.

MedSocCon and its materials have been heavily promoted by the former mainstream media from March 14. Many of MedSocCon materials were developed by the Center for Climate Change Communication (“4C”) of George Mason University over years, and possibly altered after the elections to include “resistance” to President Trump. 4C employs Edward Maibach (#2 among signers of the infamous RICO 20 letter) and John Cook of SkepticalScience. Among 4C programs is — an attempt to mislead Republican voters and/or to interfere into internal affairs of the Republican Party few months before the November elections.  MORE

4 Comments on Watch out for the ‘Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health’

  1. God, these people just don’t let up with the bullshit, do they? I knew that f–king Howdy Doody bitch was up to no good with her Globalist drivel…

    “Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why”

    …maybe if we’re lucky, she’ll take a job at the UN, and Trump will kick their third-world asses out of the country and into a cinder-block building in Mombasa.

  2. Medical societies are magnets for activists, who else would want to belong to that crap? Most doctors are too busy to participate and let the activists run the show. The problem is, silence is consent, and it’s becoming clear that there is no middle ground.

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