Watch: Reporter Falls Ill During Obama Presser – IOTW Report

Watch: Reporter Falls Ill During Obama Presser

Breitbart: President Obama’s press conference on Friday was briefly paused due to a reporter who fell ill during the conference.

Obama paused one of his answers to ask what was going on after he noticed something was wrong, after being told that one of the reporters wasn’t feeling well, Obama asked if someone would be willing to go his doctor’s office and get one of the doctors to help.

Obama briefly resumed his answer, before stopping again after someone began asking for a doctor. Obama asked, “Can somebody help out, please, and get Doc Jackson in here?”  watch

SNIP: The stench of BS was strong in that room.

15 Comments on Watch: Reporter Falls Ill During Obama Presser

  1. Nothing to see here except a lady who grew old and white haired over the last 8 years waiting for hope and change. After listening to Choomly she just couldn’t take it anymore so she pitched over vomiting black goo.

  2. Hearing Obumbles speak makes me feel nauseous too.
    I avoid listening to anything he says. I can’t even stand to read what he said.
    I can just barely tolerate reading what others say he said.

  3. Barry, the typical voodoo priest. Always packing a fainting curse in his bag of tricks to make him appear god like. The curse only works on his lapdog media and low info Obama zombies.

  4. Whoever got footage of the action got the real news.

    I feel the same as many do here. Can’t stand to hear his voices OR the words he uses to destroy America.

    There is only one word I am waiting to hear from him. It will be sweet when it happens, but I don’t know if it will be worth immortalizing. Maybe.

    I don’t know what the exact word is yet, but I will know it when it happens.

    The last word he ever speaks as the sitting President.

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