Watch: Surveillance Video of Guy Putting Up Sign at Popeye’s Chicken Saying They Won’t Serve White People – IOTW Report

Watch: Surveillance Video of Guy Putting Up Sign at Popeye’s Chicken Saying They Won’t Serve White People

33 Comments on Watch: Surveillance Video of Guy Putting Up Sign at Popeye’s Chicken Saying They Won’t Serve White People

  1. The blonde had to ask what this world is coming to. You live on the same planet as the rest of us do. How did you vote? If you’re a Democrat you are what this world has come to, you lie, cheat and steal. Don’t understand why you’re butt hurt, or even ask the question.

  2. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MAY 30, 2021 AT 4:00 PM

    “If it said “won’t serve blacks” your fat cunt ass would be calling it a “hate crime” and there would be a swarm of FBI assswagons raining down on their ass.”

    …but the FBI agents would have to comb the ashes for the evidence of White Supremacy, because the media frenzy would get the place burned down that night, several unrelated White people beaten and unreported on, and a Target looted and Autozone destroyed just out of sheer force of habit…

  3. Oh, and by the way… I often do not editorialize some posts because I expect the comment section to hone in on the reason I posted.

    You guys never let me down.

  4. I will never patronize a Popeye’s again.

    The closest one to me saves the odd super small pieces for the white customers. After 3 times in a row of being shorted, I quit expecting a fair deal from them at all if they had a black staff. A THIGH with about a teaspoon’s worth of meat on it? hahah! Yeah, you’re effin with me. That’s a throw-away item not to be served to anyone.

    The Mexican/Filipino mother of my youngest grandchild questioned my claim. (She’s model-gorgeous, but that’s not relevant)

    So we both went up to this restaurant and did not interact with each other while we ordered the exact same thing. No way they knew we were related.

    When we opened the boxes it was extremely apparent I was right. She got big, juicy, fresh chicken and I got tiny malformed, tough things that were unacceptable to anyone.

    They actually set these aside for this purpose. Mine were colder, tougher, and smaller by far.

    The average black person in Dallas is very racist, when it comes down to it.

    It’s something you just deal with. There are many in my daily life I get along with just fine and show up as honest, hard working people. I have no idea what they say in private, but our interactions are not bad at all. Talking about neighbors and other workers for the same employers/clients. Wait, ONE neighbor didn’t know I was at her daughter’s house doing a pest job when she walked in and started dissing crackers… Cracker this.. Cracker that..

    I walk out of a back bedroom and the look on her face when she saw me was priceless! Me: Hi! How’re you doing? With a wave of my hand.

    We’re neighbors. She still lives four houses down the street and we have done a lot of work for her before, besides always seeing each other. Her daughter lived several blocks away, but her landlord was a client of mine.

    Then there was the 6 year old that was sitting in my living room telling us how bad crackers were back in the early 90s. Only a parent can poison a mind that way.

    I still rib that guy now that he’s an adult. He knows what’s what nowadays.

  5. Hang a noose under the sign. Whites have been hung too, should be recognized. Or would the goofs interpret it as a prank against whitey and a hate crime against blacks?

  6. Dadof4
    MAY 30, 2021 AT 6:29 PM

    …I wasn’t going to go there since I’ve said it before, but since it parallels your story, I’ll go ahead and repeat…

    …I don’t like Popeye’s anyway so I don’t know about them, but there’s a Lee’s Famous on our way home from church, and we always got MUCH nastier and smaller chicken when served by a Black person than a White. We got in a discussion about “White Peoples Portions”, and decided to settle it by going there when there was a Black person on the counter, parking a distance away so they wouldn’t know we were together, then sending a Black person and a White person in separately to get the exact same meal.

    Guess who got the large, juicy, mouth-wateringly GOOD stuff vs. Who got the wallpaper paste nuggets that may or may not have had actual chicken inside?

    …had a little fun with it by sending the Black person back in with the White person’s chicken to complain, which must have made him think he screwed up, but we ended up with TWO orders of really great chicken, BOTH given to the Black person.

    …so if you’re White, better if you cook your OWN.

    Or at least go to a nicer neighborhood.

    …sometime I’ll tell you about the “windowsill bugs” a work friend told me his brothers always held back for the bags of people who were assholes on the drive-thru intercoms, but that’s a different story for another day…

  7. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    Hahaha! Yeah, we know what the deal is.

    The trick is to not carry it on and apply it to everyone else like a blanket. Got to just section that stuff off and not play with them. Don’t let it poison your life. Let them have it – and suffer whatever they deserve. Not at all weird there is a karma-payback to it without any effort from us.

  8. My wife wanted to stop at a Popeye’s on the way home from Houston last weekend. She ordered chicken tenders, fries and a drink. The chicken was like rubber, the fries were cold and leathery and the drink lid did not seal properly and I had coke running down my chest. NEVER AGAIN!

  9. Everybody in my family knows, Door don’t eat no food made by people he don’t know.
    Takeout, nope, dine in, nope, buffet, heaven forbid.
    No “special sauce” for me !

  10. I don’t eat at Popeyes or any other drive up, with the one exception of Wendy’s (Medium Fries and a small Chocolate Frosty, please). I think some of the founder, Dave Thomas’ culture of valuing adoption still lingers at Wendy’s, and I find the employees to be mostly friendly.

    I’d like to say something nice about Chick-Fil-A here, but they kinda crapped all over the Christian customer base a while back.

    I noticed once at some fast food drive up, that they had a Condiment Policy, posted on the drive up window. This was presumably to preempt what I guess are regular confrontations with customers complaining that they can’t order a four piece Nuggets off the Dollar Menu, and demand enough complimentary Honey Mustard Sauce to float a battleship.

    The sign was a clear indication that the management regularly deals with unreasonable people. Not the kind of place I ever want to be.

    Popeyes needs to put a stop to this crap, even though they may anger the… ahem… community.

  11. I used to eat at places where there were quite a few blacks in the neighborhood and some working fast food.
    But then I found out they thought I was racist. Restaurants like everything else right now can’t find anybody that wants to work or is worth a plug nickel.
    Not sure if I want those people making my food?

  12. It is certain that we face a cusp in history. No other nation is made up of so many different ethnicities. No other country has managed to blend so many ethnicities into a not entirely homogeneous society but still a society and a culture. Except for one ethnicity. Because of that historical fact, we must divide or die.

  13. I actually love Popeye’s chicken, but I don’t buy it often, because it’s so expensive. I’ve never encountered anything like this in the Popeye’s near me, but then again, it’s suburban Dallas, and most of the workers speak Spanish.

  14. Do white folks actually eat at Popeye’s, to begin with, it is ghetto chicken like Church’s chicken. KFC and Chick fil A are for white folks, no fighting at either of them.

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