Heartbreaking: a Loudoun County public school teacher resigns on the spot in response to the district's critical race theory training program that designated her an oppressor and silenced all dissent.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) August 11, 2021
Watch until the end.pic.twitter.com/7Mlr8Z1S6F
14 Comments on Watch: Teacher Resigns in Front of School Board, Citing the Push For Her To Be a Cog in the Machine That Indoctrinates Students With Politicized Messaging
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They turned her off when her 3 minutes were up.
They acted like they were really concerned about the her opinion.
I am confident that she will find a decent teaching job. Good for her!
I hope she resumes her career under new leadership soon. She sounds like a teacher who cares most about her students – just the kind of teacher we all value.
My family name can be traced back to Waterford, VA in the early 1700s. The libtards have moved there from the DC area and have taken over.
…this would be great if they actually WANTED Quality teachers.
But they don’t.
All they want is people who will indoctrinate.
A thug can do that, and more effectively, too.
…see, the idea is to drive OUT the good teachers, police, doctors, etc., replacing them with shills that will serve the Party’s needs Über alles, and place ANY other duty, loyalty, morals, or compassion secondary.
This means God too.
The Party is to be your god. You are to have no other god before them,or after them. Identifying as a Christian only makes them happy you quit, as you serve a Lord that is anathema to their master in hell.
Good riddance, they consider it. One less person to stand in the way of their imposition of their masters will on Earth. One less voice to confirm that nagging suspicion that what they’re doing is wrong. One less person they have to worry might teach something of the Lord to the children they mean to bend to evil. One more vacant slot to fill with one of their handpicked demons.
So you did not shame them. They have no shame.
You did not embarass them. They consider YOU the fool.
You did not impede them. If anything, you saved them the trouble of dispatching you formally.
You have to do what’s best for you. But the more we run to the hills, the more the Enemy takes without resistance in the voud we leave.
We can only fall back so much. Because they WILL follow us. Communist HAVE to.
At some point, we have to turn and fight.
But if we do it one by one, they will cut us down bloodily one by one.
I don’t know the answer, and if I did, they would immediately remove it and arrest me. As they would anyone who actually poses a threat to them. Whoever our Patrick Henry is, our George Washington, our Ethan Allen, we won’t meet him here.
We need to find defensible ground, this is true. It serves no purpose to fight from the bottom of a fishbowl. That’s where this “school board” placed this teacher, so really she was in an untenable situation. Can’t really fault her, she did what she could do.
But the time is fast approaching where we must stand our ground, and no one will tell us when that time is.
The problem with civil wars is no one tells you when they start.
But that’s only when they start FOR US. Our enemies on the Left started long before today.
The only questions are, when do we answer them, and will it be with too little, too late…
That’s the kind of teacher I want for my grandchildren !!!
This compassionate and faithful Christian woman takes God Word to heart.
Scripture reference that sheds light on her decision may be an ultimatium God gave to the Isrealites that applies to all who know the Lord;
Joshua 24:14-15
14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!
15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
God definitely has a wonderful plan for this gifted teacher.
Side note 1: work for passage of “government in the sunshine” laws — see Florida’s. Florida forbids public officials from meeting in private.
Side note 2: please banish the word “diversity” in all forms from your vocabularies. I don’t know how great a teacher she is… took her five years… had to think about it all summer… and commenced her resignation speech by giving lipservice to pablum.
PS will end up indoctrinating only the non-believers children OR Christians will take over school boards like were i live and stomp the commies to the curb. It can happen in your city, BUT if it doesnt, you need, no MUST take your gifts from God OUT of pubic school before their brains are so twisted that they will not walk with God. Exercise the wisdom and discernment God gave you, not your lazy inclination to have someone else “educate” your children because you are unwilling to give up luxuries. Move, get a differnt job, a smaller house whatever it takes, get their Grandparents involved, your childrens lives are at risk. Get off your ass and do something. The Christan schools here are booming even with a newly elected Godly PS board. Believers and people with common sense know the young teachers are just agents of indoctrination.
Like i said, this can happen in your city…https://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/education/rapid-city-board-of-education-plans-to-scrap-all-covid-mitigation-measures-for-2021-22/article_e5b77afa-05e7-5992-8537-498651edcc3d.html#tracking-source=home-trending
One of my daughters quit her teaching job in Las Vegas for the very same reason (although not so dramatically), and moved to Oklahoma, where things are a little different.
now drag the super, the principal and the board of ed members out on the street and do what ever the hell you want with them……