Watch – The Left is Being Woke to Google’s Sinister Suppression of Information. Maher Outraged. – IOTW Report

Watch – The Left is Being Woke to Google’s Sinister Suppression of Information. Maher Outraged.

Bill Maher is suddenly outraged by Google for their suppression of information regarding “Lab Leak” and the efficacy of drugs other than “the injection.”

Welcome to the party… years too late.

16 Comments on Watch – The Left is Being Woke to Google’s Sinister Suppression of Information. Maher Outraged.

  1. One of the priests has committed heresy against the established dogma. I wonder how long before they send out the clergyman to exercise this demon of independent thought?
    Or do you think the bishops will just excommunicate him from the cult?

  2. Now that this stage of the operation is over they’ll talk about a lab leak and be outraged to cover up all the vaccine deaths/injuries and that the leak was not an accident. Guess Bill will have to get outraged next year when that operation is over.

  3. Sonw are seeing the lunacy of Biden/Harris, fraud election, complete border mess, etc. and slowing distancing themselves from the insanity. They’re covering themselves for when all goes to hell.


  4. Someone should plop the Arizona Election Forensic Audit on his Desk the day after it comes out so he doesn’t have to wait 18 months for google and bookface to begrudgingly allow its release to the general public. Even guys like Mah3r can be Red Pilled.


  5. He is part of the problem. But throws such stuff every few weeks to get noticed by conservatives.
    Stop giving him the attention he is desperately looking for.

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