Watch the Look on This Young Girl’s Face When She Spots Her Family in the Audience – Then Prepare Yourself For What’s Next – IOTW Report

Watch the Look on This Young Girl’s Face When She Spots Her Family in the Audience – Then Prepare Yourself For What’s Next

This is touching, right?

Woody sent this in. This is what he had to say-

This absolutely tore me up. I want to send this to every lefty out there and show them what kind of world they are promoting.
Are they on board with this heinous, anti-human bullshit?

That little angel’s face and tears upon seeing her parents out in the audience. It was TOO BEAUTIFUL.

Is there any heart left in this world?
I hate these people for what they have done to this once great society.


I would say to Woody, “hate is a strong word.”

And I would hope he would say to me, “yes, I know, that is why I chose it.”

Want to know what has us both upset?

Get a load of this pant load-

“This is the joy white people gaslight out of their children from young. I’ve been noticing the lack of joy in white Anglo culture and how white supremacy robs them of it and robs women of the agency of joy. I am finally understanding that joy is a revolutionary state of being.

In other words, white supremacy robs white people of joy and more particularly patriarchy robs white women of the agency of joy. I’m seeing it in real time in Vancouver. Everyone is so scared of losing the little they have they have no room for joy—they have no room to thrive.

I saw joy when commemorating #Dec6 in solidarity with Indigenous women. There was actual joy, which opens the door to active and revolutionary love. And that’s where the revolution is—in acts of love. I saw it in front of me and as a Black woman I immediately recognized it.”


I’ll tell you what would bring me joy… to see each and every one of you leftist shitposters to drop dead and be bulldozed into a chasm in the earth, never to be seen again. Maybe, perhaps return as lamp oil. You know, gas light.

more at Twitchy

18 Comments on Watch the Look on This Young Girl’s Face When She Spots Her Family in the Audience – Then Prepare Yourself For What’s Next

  1. I think this shows why Christ loved the little children so. Pure innocence, humility and unabashed joy all at once to see those she loves and who love her. How evil people can try to sexualize, mistreat, abuse and even murder before birth such precious children is unfathomable to me.

  2. Did a funeral for a lady yesterday that had bunches of grandchildren/great grandchildren (24 grand and 74 great) – the family came from Mennonite and farming stock in the PA bible belt.

    After the service I was discussing the future of those kids with a son of the lady…and he said that no matter what they were being raised to overcome by faith, attitude, and family no matter what.

    We humans, given the smallest chance, and the right inspiration, and faith will overcome until Jesus returns.

    The key is not to forget who we are and where we destined to end…we are God’s creation.

  3. Dr. Hambone, I am the oldest of 4 boys, I will be 70 in March, my next brother will be 69 at the end of February, the next one who lives in Seattle just turned 68 last Sunday on the 4th of Dec. and my youngest brother will be 65 in April. We had no sister, maybe it’s because my folks wanted to name her Willie Lee, an old family name. Can you imagine a girl named Willie Lee, we couldn’t. Hi, these are my brothers Scott, Eric and Rex and my sister Willie. My son is the first born of my kids and then I have 2 daughters and now 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson who is the youngest of my grandkids. My late wife came from a large Catholic family of 9, 6 boys and 3 girls. I wouldn’t trade not having a sister and having 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters for anything. They’ve all been a great blessing to me. My mom and dad were married for 65 and a half years before they both passed away in 2018 and did a very good job of raising 4 boys of which I am extremely thankful.

  4. Dipshit bitch heard the word “gaslight”, and now everything is “gaslight” this, and “gaslight” that, when she obviously has no idea what it means. It’s probably sprinkled throughout her Critical Race Studies Doctoral thesis. If she continues down her current path, this bitter hag will die lonely and and childless, abandoned by all of her “indigenous women” political activist, so-called “friends”. And I say “childless” with the certainty that she has none, judging by the heartless, immature ignorance of her words.

    On a lighter note, I was worried that “prepare yourself for what happens next” involved a sudden appearance by Biden. Thankfully, it did not.

  5. I told my dad about 5 years ago just before my youngest brother turned 60 that he now had 4 sons over the age of 60 and he replied, “Do you know how old that make me feel.” Thanks, dad, you and mom did a good job of raising 4 rambunctious boys to adulthood and seeing all of us live to be become old guys just like you. We’re all becoming more like our dad now which is a good thing.

  6. Well, be on guard!
    Not to be a Debbie Downer and wasn’t going to put this here, but then you might think you’re safe with PRIVATE schools…
    Yes it’s Shitcago, but still…

    Pay attention, I fear for my grandchild.

    The only saving grave is the comments after the video (not after the post on the site).

    You’ll need to go back and rewatch Beachmom’s video after this one.

  7. I guess these racist, morally bankrupt losers think the global cabal will have a special place for them. Guess again. When this jerk runs out of food & has no heating or air conditioning, will she be surprised when our “betters” she bowed down to suddenly have no interest in her?

    The main problem with this is that she & her ilk are taking the rest of us with her. Moron.


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