Watch the Wing Crumpling on This Plane – IOTW Report

Watch the Wing Crumpling on This Plane

The theory is this is happening because of DEI hiring.

That’s partly true, but it’s mostly that people do not care anymore and take zero pride in their work, even if they are technically qualified.

Subconsciously, or even consciously, people hate people.

34 Comments on Watch the Wing Crumpling on This Plane

  1. I quit flying shortly after tsa was established. My titanium knee invited ball sack and cavity searches. F#ck ’em.

  2. Ok… That’s the inboard leading edge slat, not the wing itself. It only deploys during low speed conditions to lower stall speed. If it fails you can land with it retracted at higher speed, with a longer rollout. But the real question remains, why is it crumbling? It’s looks like it’s made of composite filled with foam, which wouldn’t take much to tear apart. I would have expected some aluminum on the upper surface.

  3. I flew a lot in my career and less after 911. TSA rudeness and discrimination (robe-wearing muzloids got a pass) expanded my driving circumference. Now we drive to Florida!

    Check this shit out: In the time is takes the TSA to search this triple amputee Purple Heart Veteran, hundreds of Illegals cross the border encouraged, enabled and paid for by this administration!

  4. Looks like a honeycomb composite. Extremely strong and very light. This failure is caused by water intrusion. Trapped water then freezes at altitude, degrading honeycomb structure, making room for more water, causing more damage from freezing. Easy to detect, easy to repair.

  5. Wylie1
    WEDNESDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2024, 19:13 AT 7:13 PM

    for the win!

    Yep. This can and does happen. Undetected water absorbtion, freeze/thaw cycles, until the last straw. And as explained, not ideal, but not some OMG event either.

  6. Behold, You are witnessing @ year 63 or so of the development of Idiocracy.

    We get to personally see, and live through, the breakdown of civilization one day at a time. Talk about a slow motion train wreck. 400 years from now avalanches from the trash piles will kill people and be a 5 second mention on the news.

  7. First, they forgot how to build planes. But that was OK because AI could build them. Then AI forgot how to build planes, so they stopped flying. Later, they realized that flying was impossible and no one had ever flown.

  8. Yep, I saw this on a trans-Atlantic flight about half way across the Atlantic about 15 years ago. The flight was one of the smoothest non-event flight I ever had. Multi-level redundancy makes minor screw ups non-issues.

  9. In case you just started following IOTW yesterday and didn’t know what I do for a living, I machine precision replacement parts for military air frames. The part shown is not a machines part, it’s a fab parts. Sheet metal. The thin sheet metal part on the outside of that assembly is referred to as a skin. A fairly demanding sheet metal part. The inner section that looks like foam is exactly that. These parts have zero structural responsibility. You could wreck one by leaning against it. However they are very important for aero. Very important.
    This looks like a bird strike to me.

  10. Proto Copy

    If you knew your shit the first thing you would have done is agree with my assessment of the parts. Instead you attacked my limited expertise. At this point in time you’re just beating your chest trying to diminish my opinion. I’m so tired of beta males I could shit twinkies.

  11. “Brads Dessert Storm Kicks
    You’re a TANK”

    Is it just me, or, ah shit never mind. I just hope to God this guys a Libtard Troll and not suppose to be one of us. When shit goes bad he gets shot first if he is.

  12. Erik

    Long day. I’m beat, BUT, Erik is right, what’s his name is wrong. I’ve had the opportunity to watch airflow over a wing, an airfoil, with an approaching bird. They get pushed off the leading edge and get pushed up and over and impact just about exactly where the damage is in the movie. Asta la bye bye.


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