Watch these two bits by George Carlin and you’ll see just what kind of “genius” this crank was – IOTW Report

Watch these two bits by George Carlin and you’ll see just what kind of “genius” this crank was

Yeah, yeah. Carlin was funny. But Carlin also had a massive ego, thinking he was ahead of the curve on us ordinary folk. He wasn’t.

He might have been quick witted, but he was a dullard when it came to connecting the dots.

Video One:

Video Two:

Nice job connecting the dots, you dumbass.


25 Comments on Watch these two bits by George Carlin and you’ll see just what kind of “genius” this crank was

  1. Sure he was witty, but this is what your brain sounds like when it’s on cocain. I still liked him though and always will. He was a cocain genius. Way better than those others on SNL when it started. But alas, it catches up with you and if you don’t stop, you’re done sooner than you think.

  2. I saw him live one time-sat 3rd row center-2 minutes into his routine he starts making abortion jokes, yeah real fucking funny. Was a 1st date and I had intentions so I sat there like an asshole.

    Always have regretted that.

    I remember he kept looking at his watch

  3. Some unusually good bits when he was relatively new but got an overrated and inflated reputation (which he evidently believed) thanks to atheists and leftists who considered him a stalwart defender of their sociopolitical reasons for being, instead of just an increasingly vulgar, crass and bitter teller of jokes.

  4. I supervised the security detail for one of his performances so I didn’t have to pay to listen to him. He did have a fart routine that had me in stitches, but other than that … meh.

    Fart jokes just do me in…

  5. I liked a lot of his early stuff (football vs. baseball, dogs vs. cats, words you can’t say, etc.) but toward the end he wasn’t really that funny. He just came across as old, crotchety, and mean.

  6. But to get back to the point of this post – yeah, Mr. Smart Guy can’t connect the dots that the only thing that may save us from the evil businesses and government controlling our lives is the 2nd amendment and those nasty “gun enthusiasts.” He thinks of himself as one of the elite – so much smarter than we little people.

  7. making fun of people’s given names is not ‘edgy’… it just low, cheap & crass … & in this instance, a bit homophobic (you leftards have no problem pointing it out … eat it!)
    .. but yuck it up NYC … you’re soooooooooo ‘sophisticated’

  8. “Anonymous was me again. Why doesn’t my name get saved anymore? ‘

    My guess is your browser’s security settings have been changed to not keep the information.

    People like myself use something like Advanced System Care that suggest security vulnerabilities be turned off. I noticed I had to fill mine in again every time I open the browser for a new session after letting it do the adjustment. It’s there until the browser gets shut down, then I have to fill it in again the next time I start anew.

  9. One thing I learned from Carlin was the observance of things you take for granted and pay little attention to.

    When I first heard him mention the “piss shiver” I took notice. Yeah! WTF is that all about? Until he brought it up, I didn’t even think about it being an all-males-experience-this thing.

  10. Of course it has a fancy name. And when someone asks Dr Geek what the heck that is, they answer Piss Shivers. “Oh yeah. Why didn’t you say so in the first place Mr Fancy Pants?”

    Side question: Has Cracked actually become a source of valid information, or is it still a joke site?

  11. @Dadof4: OK, I can see I picked the one linked article that would lead you to doubt my seriousness about this (God forbid!) and make you think that the term is a joke, so let me add a couple more sources so that you can see it is not (or you can Google it yourself):

    There – is that better?


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