Watch this video and tell me there were no shenanigans – IOTW Report

Watch this video and tell me there were no shenanigans

In the span of less than a minute, in Pennsylvania, Trump LOST 20 thousand votes and Biden GAINED the same amount.

13 Comments on Watch this video and tell me there were no shenanigans

  1. The swing states kept moving the goal posts until the count favored Biden. They would give a percentage of counties reporting in somewhere in the high nineties then when they saw they needed to cheat more, they moved the percentage back into the eighties.

  2. I’m shocked Twitter hasn’t taken that post down yet.

    This is the same scenario shown in the CNN coverage video of the KY Gubernatorial race between Andy Beshear and Matt Blevin couple of years ago that has been circulating around.

  3. The Dems knew they would need to cheat to win, they just were not prepared for the scale of cheating it would involve. Since last Tuesday night, they have been waging a campaign of disinformation, pushing Biden as the “perceived” president.

    They know that many people will not accept Trump winning weeks after the election. After weeks of community, political (Dem and Republican), and social leaders and influencers (I hate that term) fawning over Biden and Harris, as well as every traditional media outlet spoon feeding them propaganda pieces showing Biden assuming the presidency (including announcing the White House dog in last night’s news) most people will accept it as fact. By the end of this week, many people will feel like Biden is headed into his second term.

    When/if, Trump is declared the winner, it isn’t going to be pretty. The Dems, globalists and deep state are setting it up that way. I am convinced that they will just keep that train rolling forward and inaugurate Biden in a separate ceremony, probably with a complicit Chief Justice swearing him in. They will ignore Trump entirely. They control nearly every form of media, old and new, so why not? It seems to be working so far. What’s the worst that can happen? Total anarchy? It’s all good to them.

    The Dems declared their strategy months ago. If Biden does not win legitimately, the Blue states will secede and make him President of their USA. Of course, Trump and those states who support him will be painted as the secessionists.

    What they may have overlooked is that they only really control (dominate might be a better word) the major cities. A blue state could declare allegiance to Biden, but could it control its red counties? A lot of those blue states have Republican controlled legislatures in one or both chambers, so the governor’s would first have to dissolve them. Not very democratic, but very Democrat.

    I hope it doesn’t come to that, but that seems to be where things are headed.

  4. As I recall, Trump had wrapped up Florida, Texas, and Ohio, and was ahead in Penn and Mich. Then the count started turning against him.

    That’s when the fraudsters realized Biden would lose unless they began their fraud.

  5. Sidney Powell needs to call Russell Ramsland.

    He’s the man who discovered how the electronic vote switching occurred.
    Look him up.
    And thanks again to PJ for pointing this out a few days ago {although his post past by without much notice}

  6. stirrin

    I watched a different one but it was a little older but the same info.
    Good stuff!

    When the vote count was stopped in those states and then resumed with Biden miraculously shooting way ahead could only have been done electronically. This very well may be how.

  7. @ Gin – I don’t understand why this video hasn’t gotten more exposure. Maybe it’s not entirely factual, but I consider myself pretty smart and astute, and it passes the the sniff test with me. Would love to read other peoples’ opinions on this.

  8. I watched that same video this morning on another website. The vote swing of ~ 20k votes is curious.

    But this video, and other similar videos, stop short and do not show the vote count after the next count update.

    It could be the 20k vote swing gets reset on the next update. I do not know what the process is for updating the vote count. Automatically off a server or someone reading the updates off an server and them manually entering the vote count for that tv network, and could have made a typo that gets corrected on the next update, which is not shown in these kinds of video clips. It appears to be electronic vote tampering that may be a little to obvious to not be being done on purpose. To trick Trump supporters into running off to the end of the rainbow to get the “we got them” pot of gold.

    I’m done getting worked up about this kind of reporting. Being upset and ready to rush off chasing shiny balls filled with wishful thinking prizes.

    Balls marked – this ball shows how we tricked and trapped the vote fraudsters | this ball shows how Trump really won with the largest landslide margin in history | this ball has evidence of the CIA deep state modifying votes | and so on. Go get’em boy, there’s a delicious treat inside.

    Or being distracted by tinkling shaking keys, where each key on the key ring is labeled for a different treasure chest holding hard evidence of vote cheating, how it was done, who masterminded it, with copies of arrest warrants.

    No, I am going to wait to see what comes out of legal challenges being brought in all the troublesome states. And stop getting out of breath chasing after the – how I want it to be distractions. Well, at least that’s my plan at present. Subject to quick failure.

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