Watch Trevor Noah Ask Hillary Clinton How She Killed Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Watch Trevor Noah Ask Hillary Clinton How She Killed Jeffrey Epstein

Her response is to cackle.

28 Comments on Watch Trevor Noah Ask Hillary Clinton How She Killed Jeffrey Epstein

  1. The fact that Hillary had them write this into their “impromptu” interview suggests to me that she is nervous about this and wants to muddy up the waters… just in case something comes out that she doesn’t want out.

  2. the question was set up before the show started

    hillaries answer, smug look and body language all screams out – “I did it and I am going to get away with it as usual”

    she makes the conspiracy theories happen by her actions, we are more informed than she gives us credit for

  3. Notice how she projects their constant attacks on us.

    If the dems allowed themselves to ‘play fair’ they would end up without a party.

    I can’t stand that BITCH.

  4. Like the mafia, the Clintons always have one degree of separation from their criminals and the criminal’s crime. Clinton only has to make a statement and an unidentified lieutenant will take care of the problem. Clinton can honestly say he had nothing to do with the death. After the latest Arkansacide story goes cold the non connected lieutenant can let the Clintons know they owe him a favor.

  5. Trevor Noah. Such a good boy.

    If he had asked the question seriously, he would soon be taking up residence in the family plot.

    It was all a big joke to Hillary and her evil daughter. BTW, her daughter by way of Web Hubble’s lovin’ spoonful has an offensive profile, a big witch’s shnozz and overstuffed lips. Not one bit attractive.

  6. Killary and her apprentice spawn, Hellsea are truly evil. Epstein may have deserved to be Arkansacide, but the giddiness displayed by those two is wicked behavior.

  7. @ Dee – yes timing IS everything, isn’t it?

    Get out in front of the story and do the damage control, the day after.

    Who laughs, even nervously, at a question such as this?

  8. Americans love the police state, but they don’t seem able to understand that people try to break out of prisons.

    People deal with tyranny in different ways.

    Americans during the Revolutionary War were moral and independent and fought for freedom.

    Americans in the Civil War fought for liberty.

    Rome was an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state and had a population that only cared about bread and circuses and collapsed.

    Russians in the USSR gave up and the Soviet Union collapsed.

    What happened to tyrants like King Charles, Caligula, Mussolini, Gaddafi, and Ceausescu?

    Americans today are immoral, depraved, degraded, divided, distracted, dependent on welfare, and come from broken families. The US is flooded by refugees and illegal immigrants. Americans have food, AC, beer, weed, cars, and homes and feel like they have too much to lose to fight for freedom.

    Americans have the Internet now, but it is wiretapped.

    Some say Americans may rebel when guns are confiscated, the Communists win in 2020 or 2024, they get sent to the concentration camps, or the US Ponzi economy collapses, but what if Americans never revolt?

    What if Americans will never be sent to the concentration camps?

    Knowing what will happen next is difficult, but the US is clearly collapsing. The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and voting won’t work because the USA is not a democracy.

    One idea to fix the US is to wake people up.

    Educate Americans up by talking about how the elites control the government, media, Hollywood, and Wall Street. Tell people to buy guns, gold, and food. Keep it simple. Be friendly. Listen. Ask open-ended questions. Avoid talking about odd theories like Bigfoot, Freemasons, or UFO’s. You can praise places like Poland and Montana and criticize countries like Kenya and Mexico. Don’t force people to adopt your point of view. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force him to drink.

    Try to wake as many people as you can. Don’t get burned out or give up and just become another useless zombie. Americans must resist as long as they can.

    Print up flyers that explain the US debt, wars, and tyranny. Leave them in bus stations, train stations, airports, and waiting rooms.

    Patriots who are awake and stay silent today are no different than the elites, Gestapo, soldiers, politicians, and sheep who support US wars, debt, and tyranny.

    Only 5% of Americans believe in freedom, but this isn’t a problem because only 3% of Americans fought the British during the American Revolution. Once the war became serious, Americans started to support the rebels.

    Maybe the most realistic option for the Libertarian now seems to be to leave. Save yourself. Go Galt, go off the grid, dropout, and move abroad. Avoid taxes.

    Pass the word.

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