Watch: Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Feinstein’s Office – IOTW Report

Watch: Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Feinstein’s Office

Breitbart; Supporters of President Trump protested outside of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) offices in California against a plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens which would begin with nearly 800,000 recipients enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Holding signs reading “We Love ICE” — in reference to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency which conducts arrests and deportations of illegal aliens — and “No, No, No More DACA,” Trump supporters and amnesty critics gathered outside Feinstein’s office to protest negotiations in Washington, D.C. where a pathway to U.S. citizenship is being considered for DACA illegal aliens. read more

8 Comments on Watch: Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Feinstein’s Office

  1. The talk of no amnesty for DACA until the wall is built and chain migration is stopped along with immigration visa lottery, makes me nervous. How about NO AMNESTY FOR DACA AT ALL?!

    It’s like the slippery slope we went through with repealing Obamacare. For a long time it was “repeal”, then slowly it morphed into “repeal and replace”.

    Why am I being unreasonable for wanting exactly what we were promised over the last three or four election cycles made by those who begged us to hire them?

  2. Why? Because we have three branches of gov’t, and the executive can only do so much to get his agenda past the obstructionists and back-stabbers in his own party, let alone the “loyal opposition”. But, I have enormous faith that Trump will strike the very best deal he can and that he has not forgot what he campaigned on at all. He peppered his remarks during the bi-partisan meeting with comments about maybe not getting the deal he wants. It’s up to all of us to keep the pressure on the congress. Glad to see these citizens are doing just that.

  3. Ya know….. I’m old enough to remember Simpson-Mazzoli. There was to be a one time never to be offered again amnesty and a secured border. They got the amnesty and no secured border. I think this time around we should get the secured border and forget the amnesty. Fool me once…..

  4. I don’t have a Scrabble game handy. I can see “A PATHWAY TO U.S. CITIZENSHIP” scoring better than “ANOTHER AMNESTY” (it’s much longer). But how can it score better than “JUST ANOTHER AMNESTY SAME AS ALL THE AMNESTIES BEFORE”?

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