Watch What CNN Does Mid-Broadcast in Order To Help Out Biden’s Awful Optics – IOTW Report

Watch What CNN Does Mid-Broadcast in Order To Help Out Biden’s Awful Optics

21 Comments on Watch What CNN Does Mid-Broadcast in Order To Help Out Biden’s Awful Optics

  1. Wow. Right before our eyes.

    I still maintain that the propaganda media will have to be dealt with first if civil war is really thrust upon us by these crazy people.

    I pray it doesn’t come to that, but it wouldn’t be the first time a nation was taken low to show people have no real power and must depend on God alone.

    I trust in Jesus no matter how bad it gets.

  2. I’m just glad it didn’t fade to blue and yellow while Turd Reich announced that American Troops had crossed the Polish border into Ukraine. Although I suppose that’s coming in the next rally.

  3. As retired career Navy, I’d really like to know what military position those Marines are assuming. If parade rest, then their hands should be BEHIND their backs, if at attention, then along their sides. This entire spectacle was staged from beginning to end. Just like the entire Biden regime! Pathetic!

  4. The regular TV networks ABC, CBS and NBC did not bother to cover joey’s propaganda speech on Thursday night. Instead, they ran reruns of some of their shows. Only CNN and PMSNBC covered joey’s speech. What does that tell you when the lamestream networks have given up on joey’s lies and refuse to cover his speech to the American people in prime time? Joey has stepped into deep doo doo big time and he’s about to receive his comeuppance in spades.


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