Watch: Woman in Cuffs Tries to Bite NYS Police Officer, He is Placed On Leave After He Punches Her – IOTW Report

Watch: Woman in Cuffs Tries to Bite NYS Police Officer, He is Placed On Leave After He Punches Her


The use of force incident happened at about 4:55 p.m. July 4 at the East Syracuse Walmart on Basile Row. DeWitt police created a 15-minute, narrated video of the incident using clips from different officers body cameras, store surveillance cameras and a bystander’s phone. This is a condensed version of that video, which was posted on the department’s Facebook page. You can find the full version released by the DeWitt Police here:… A DeWitt police officer who punched a woman in handcuffs has been placed on administrative leave as the department investigates the incident, according to department spokesman Lt. Jerry Pace.

56 Comments on Watch: Woman in Cuffs Tries to Bite NYS Police Officer, He is Placed On Leave After He Punches Her

  1. Typical, no control on the part of the perp, animalistic impulse to bite earns her a well deserved punch to the face, and the LEO is somehow the bad guy…

    I suppose he was just supposed to stand there and let her knaw his arm off. Listen carefully Black America, your stupid “No justice, No peace” chant is about to come true as you will have neither when the police stop caring.

  2. Good show. Wondering why it took so long to clean up aisle 3. They should have dragged them out right away, instead of giving the others a soap box. Stuff em in carts and wheel em out.

  3. …so THIS is bad, but shooting an unarmed woman who can’t come at you and is surrounded by cops to death is OK as long as Mike Pence tells you to…

  4. The “men” who were challenging the coppers to take off your badge also need to be arrested for interfering and riling up the chimps.

    Start the “tape” on them. Just keep adding to their list & making life a bit more expensive/harder.

  5. Democrats being Democrats to other Democrats.

    It should be funny, but the reason it’s not is because Democrats get sick of putting up with other Democrats crap, then they move out where there are less Democrats, then start voting Democrat THERE, and the cycle repeats as the cancer metastatizes…

  6. Repatriation now to an African nation of their choice No more messing around, debating the issue or chancing a race war! We owe it to them to do it immediately, effectively and totally! There are at least 33 million reasons to do it!

  7. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    JULY 10, 2021 AT 4:24 PM

    Whoops, wrong thread. That was meant for the dog walker thread.

    …just a “DELETE” button again would be nice if we can’t have a full-on edit feature, just sayin’…

  8. I don’t believe the cop did anything wrong – my first reaction to someone trying to bite me would also be to ram their fucking teeth down their throat – truly the best preventative measure for the future.

  9. 40 years ago 1 of my handball partners was an LAPD officer. ( we both had the scars of ChiCom blades; so we bonded immediately!). He tried for years to get me to join. One day he showed up for out match and said, “I can’t play.” Showed me his hand; a big bandage! I said, “What happened;ened?”; “As I was putting a perp in the car he knifed me.” I said what did you do? He said ,”I pushed him into the car.”

    I said , “Nick, that is why I could never be a cop. No one that hs bladed me (and more than one have) lived to see another sun rise. At best, had I been you, I’d be fired. At worsta some liberal DA would press charges against me.

    I totally side with the cop!

  10. Dear Black Americans Who Have Ghetto Values,

    At one time your “community” was known for Christian devotion and commitment to Church and Family. What happened? The brutality against others, the hatred for authority, the callousness toward your nation and fellow countrymen, this caricature that is so commonly on display now among your people; Is this what it means to be “authentically Black” in America? It is vile and disgusting.

    Return unto the Lord.

  11. Billy Ray, I’m not a LEO but I noticed he had his taser in his hand early in the waltz. Why didn’t he just touch her with it for a “come along” zap?

    And what was the cute petite useless female cop there for? Waiting to do the count in case of a knockout?

  12. @Ted Nougat, the following scriptures desribe what happened to so many black Americans who were so called, “faithful Christians” now hoodrat heathens.

    Most were never fully persuade, BTW. Just having a form of godliness – religious. The Democrat party became their god.

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 KJV
    3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    Galatians 1:6-10
    6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

    7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

    8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

    9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

    Sadly, too many black Americans have believed Satan’s lies.

  13. Truck Buddy nailed this. WTF, defuse the bull shit, get them the fuck out of the store. That’s how it’s done. Grab these two bitches by the pubes or Titts and haul them out of the store. WTF. Amateur bull shit.

  14. The police officer showed a lot of restraint. I can’t blame him for finally punching that out of control ghetto lunatic.
    Going to bet, she’s been punched worse than that many times by other ghetto dwellers.
    That measured jab didn’t hurt the evil cow, but she was stopped/stunned long enough for the police officer to gain control.

  15. @DaveVA July 10, 2021 at 11:05 pm

    “…I hope she lost a tooth…”

    The way I saw it, he clocked her on the side of her jaw, so probably no lost teeth, but she may be sipping her meals through a straw for a while. Regardless, he landed a good one.

  16. @Brad – “…WTF. Amateur bull shit…”

    In different times I would agree with you, but in today’s highly weaponized politicized times, I fear that the cops were restrained by fear of the fucking leftist pukes. That said, the punch delivered by the one cop had to be very cathartic for him. And well worth any bullshit repercussions.

  17. Anyone would have done the same. Not only that police officer. That is your natural reaction to being attacked.
    For all we know, she has some nasty disease and was trying to give it to the office.
    This trash needs to be stopped.
    Don’t bring your “hood” stuff to public places, then expect to have special protection because you have the “protected” skin color.
    If this was anyone who is not black, everyone standing there would have cheered the officers.
    Unfortunately, that police officer would fight a losing battle. They will come after him no matter what.

  18. The oppressed wymynz of color being abused by the white patriarchal jack-booted thugs paid by “The Man” to keep the ghetto surrounded by concertina wire and rabid guard dogs.

    The wymynz had no choice! Hands bound, and no one listening to their plea to be heard! They just want a place at the table! A chance to tell their story without “The Man” censoring and condemning!

    Strip em naked and drop em in Mecca. Or Medina.

    izlamo delenda est …


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