Watchdog Calls for IRS Audit of Warnock Church – IOTW Report

Watchdog Calls for IRS Audit of Warnock Church


Sen. Raphael Warnock’s (D., Ga.) church should face an IRS audit for concealing its ownership of a low-income apartment building that tried to evict disadvantaged residents, a watchdog group charged in a complaint filed Wednesday.

The complaint follows a Washington Free Beacon report that Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Warnock serves as a senior pastor, owns 99 percent of the Columbia Tower at MLK Village in downtown Atlanta. The church’s charity, Ebenezer Building Foundation, did not disclose on its Form 990 tax returns that it owns the building through a network of shell organizations. Experts say the omission violates IRS reporting rules.

“It is abundantly clear that Ebenezer Building Foundation, Inc. has violated one or more IRS laws and regulations regarding the operation of a nonprofit charity,” the National Legal and Policy Center charged in the complaint. “The IRS must conduct a full investigation and audit of the Foundation’s finances and transactions and assess appropriate civil and criminal penalties, and revoking their tax-exempt status if warranted. The public interest demands it.”

Ebenezer Building Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that in its IRS Form 990 filings delegates all management duties to Ebenezer Baptist Church, shares the same address as the church, and identifies Warnock as its principal officer. Ebenezer Building Foundation holds a 99 percent stake in Columbia Tower through a shell company called MLK Village Corporation, which also shares the same address as the church and is led by the same three officers as the charity. more

8 Comments on Watchdog Calls for IRS Audit of Warnock Church

  1. VIRTUE SIGNALING They are GRAnDSTANDING. If they do not remember how GWB’s Boy Comey investigated Clinton 6 years aqo; or GWB’s boy Trey put Lerner in jail they are mental defectives!

    UNIPARTY has done a good job of protecting its own for 62 years. No reason to. think they will stop. A TOTAL WASTE OF REsoURCES!

    When Lerner and Clinton are in The Grey Bar hotel i will admit i am wrong!

  2. The IRS is another of Satan’s tools: the 16th was passed on an ocean of lies and envy.
    I wouldn’t sic them on anyone, regardless of the crimes committed.
    When you make a deal with the Devil, the Devil comes out on top (literally and figuratively).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. No Black church was investigated for tax code violations in 2008 or 2012 when they were openly electioneering, even from the pulpit, for Obama.

    If they didn’t do anything about THOSE blatant violations, I certainly wouldn’t expect a Dem prosecuter in a Dem state filled with Dem judges and overseen by an illegitimate Dem federal government to do anything about THIS.

    But God will.

    “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.”
    Matthew 23:14

    …have fun at your Judgement, guys!

  4. Sounds much like NYC NYCHA buildings for the poor and who had their drinking water poisoned with arsenic by non-elected gov Hochul and pandering mayor Adams. It’s whenever-wherever there are low-income or poor involved there’s always a grifter or two waiting in the wings.


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