Watchdog Org. Offers $1 Million to ‘Queers for Palestine’ to Hold Pride Parade in Gaza, West Bank – IOTW Report

Watchdog Org. Offers $1 Million to ‘Queers for Palestine’ to Hold Pride Parade in Gaza, West Bank


The New Tolerance Campaign (NTC), a watchdog organization that aims to mobilize Americans to “confront intolerance double standards,” is offering $1 million to support an LGBTQ+ Pride Parade in Palestinian-controlled territories.

In a bold move, the NTC has pledged $1 million to cover costs for an LGBTQ+ Pride Parade in Gaza or the West Bank. The offer, which the group reiterated was neither a joke nor a “publicity stunt,” is aimed at “Queers for Palestine” and other groups that have argued that Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) are inclusive of LGBTQ+ rights. 

“Here’s their chance to prove it,” the watchdog insisted. more

15 Comments on Watchdog Org. Offers $1 Million to ‘Queers for Palestine’ to Hold Pride Parade in Gaza, West Bank

  1. This smells like a dare..

    I would ssy it would be newsworthy, but that no longer applies in this climste.

    I suppose if this occurs we might find out if there are any more buildings in Gaza.

  2. What if an alphabet has terminal cancer and decides to use this as an extra insurance policy for it’s family?

    Could happen. Unless they are total cowards, but that’s merely a 99.999999% possibility.

  3. …should have stipulated it needs to be a REAL one, San Francisco style, with every perversion and kink of full display at all times as they do there, complete with them fondling and kissing each other.

    A test of intersectional Islamic tolerance indeed.

    …but be sure to zoom in on it the first time one of them in full leather approaches a Palestinian boy, its bound (heh) to be QUITE educational for everyone concerned.

    …if they live that long…

  4. Doesnt this go along yhe lines of “Bambi Meets Godzilla?”

    But yeah, they need to put their necks on the line in a substantial way. And after all, if what they claim is true, they aren’t really risking anything are they?

  5. Uncle Al – I considered that, but seriously, how many of them really go thru with the surgery as oppossed to just wearing the costume?
    I’m guessing that 99% of them prefer just wearing the costume over getting their jewels put into an ABNORMAL jar!

  6. geoff the aardvark
    Thursday, 19 September 2024, 12:34 at 12:34 pm
    “SNS, I still laugh at that classic Bambi vs. Godzilla short cartoon every time that I see it.”

    …reading the credits makes it special too, theyre one long joke from and about the same guy…


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