Water Bored – IOTW Report

Water Bored

Daily Mail

Bungling Belgian police quizzed ‘mastermind’ Salah Abdeslam for just ONE HOUR over four days before Brussels bloodbath because he was ‘too TIRED’

  • Salah Abdeslam was questioned by police for just one hour in four days
  • Paris terror suspect arrested in Brussels last Friday and is now in custody
  • But he was only quizzed for one hour between arrest and Tuesday’s attacks
  • He was ‘too tired’ to be questioned raising fears plot could’ve been stopped

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11 Comments on Water Bored

  1. One of ours is worth one hundred of theirs.
    Red is positive
    However no one needs to know what methods we use.
    All anybody needs to know is that when you go away for a ‘talkin’ to’ you don’t come back
    At all

  2. A sledge hammer implanted in the skulls of these liberals would NOT clarify the fact you cannot deal with these terrorist muslims as human rights dictate. They do not play by those rules, and only the Barky crowd of dimwits and howler monkeys refuse to admit the truth….Trump gets it, we all get it. Trap them, kill them. End of plague.

  3. Hey, Salah was tired, OK. Hell he had been on the run for weeks. You think he is the Everready Bunny or something. Let him get a nap, he will let you know when he is ready to talk. Idiots!

  4. My recollection on the rules of war are that if someone is in uniform, they are combatants entitled to the niceties of the Geneva convention. If they aren’t, they’re not entitled to those niceties, and are eligible for the firing squad–after a leisurely interrogation (leisurely on the part of the powers that have them in custody). These bastards are entitled to disappear once captured without any acknowledgement that they are in custody.

    Waterboarding would be the least of their worries, but they can take comfort in the fact that after being dipped in bacon grease, their “virgins” will be waiting for them.

  5. “Abdeslam was still recovering from surgery after being shot in the leg when he was arrested.” Seems to me after the pain meds wore off his injured leg was a good place to start the interrogation process.

  6. Salad Abs Dung Islam should be given the Voluntary Death Penalty. A totally humane and compassionate method in which the savage islamic psycho gets to choose his own punishment and even IF he wants capital punishment at all. It goes like this:
    Pieces of him are systematically sawn off with a rusty circular saw until he BEGS to be killed.

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