Watered Down Sanctuary State Bill Awaits Moonbeam’s Signature – IOTW Report

Watered Down Sanctuary State Bill Awaits Moonbeam’s Signature

The lights burned deep into the night in California’s state house as the legislators passed a first in the nation sanctuary state bill last night. The compromise bill will still let state authorities work with ICE on uninvited foreigners from a list of 800 crimes that were defined in a previous California Trust Act.

Called by lawmakers, the “California Values Act” the bill awaiting governor Jerry Brown’s signature today “limit state and local law enforcement communication with federal immigration authorities, and prevent officers from questioning and holding people on immigration violations” for those being held for crimes not among the 800 specified.


18 Comments on Watered Down Sanctuary State Bill Awaits Moonbeam’s Signature

  1. They have 800 (800!) crimes (what they, themselves, define as crimes!), that are so heinous (in California) that the accused will be turned over to the occupying NAZIs, to be disappeared to “the camps.”

    That must leave 7 or 8 that are not as bad. After all, no native force could ever come up with so many actual crimes, that 800 would be (let alone would be a small) minority of actual crimes.

  2. I live in California. I can’t tell you the number of times I have listened to democrat voting friends and acquaintances as they have complained about everything from illegal aliens, crime, taxes, etc. I want to grab them by their throats and scream at them, “WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR?”. They vote democrat year after year and fail to connect the one party rule in this state to the disastrous policies here. But, yeah, I’m ‘the stupid Republican’.

  3. Anon. A few years ago there was a photo of a spendy neighborhood where every house had a for sale sign right above signs endorsing liberal democrats who were responsible for all those people losing their jobs. Million dollar homes and not two brain cells that would connect the dots.

  4. Trump shopuld dismiss this out of hand and tell them no negotiations. Either cooperate fully or the money gets cut off. In the meantime Mr. President get those vacant Judgeships filled whatever it takes because the courts is where one hell of a lot of your initiatives will be played out.

  5. The politicians in California are turning the federal government into an occupying force. Close all military bases and throw up new border control at the state border. They can go back to be being a territory until they get it through their heads that they are part of a sovereign nation with a federal government that enforces and wants its laws enforced.

  6. Northern California Sheriffs say they will continue to work with ICE. However I’m not sure how much impact that will have because I think the courts have something to say about it.

    Here’s a good one. Because California Law Makers feel they haven’t killed enough Sheriffs or put enough citizens in danger with their new whacked Felony criteria and early release programs, they now have a Bill that will release inmates that were charged as juveniles and sentenced Life Without Parole. What does one need to do to get sentenced to Life Without Parole in California? And they want them back on the streets. Unbelievable.

  7. Vietvet

    This state has a freaken Feeding Frenzy of Libtard Law Makers trying to out do one another on the absurd. Everyday it’s something new. I expect to see a law soon that only Black and White vehicles can be owned in California because other colors might be offensive. I need to GTFO.

  8. @Bad_Brad: If you move to Texas, just try to avoid living in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, or Houston (and of course, the Rio Grande Valley). All rat’s nests of Democrats and Liberals.


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