WATN: Hunter Wined and Dined Conducting Business with Cartels in Chihuahua, Mexico – IOTW Report

WATN: Hunter Wined and Dined Conducting Business with Cartels in Chihuahua, Mexico

We Are The News: The Main Stream Media covers up stories. They bury them. We find them. What happens when you find out FOREIGN NATIONS, Regional Security Officers, Special Agents, Homeland Security, and Secret Service bend over backward to ensure cartel connections between our politicians are never implicated comes to light?


Cartel money has tainted
political pockets for a long time


The MSM and the other talking heads on the left and the right won’t report on this. Here is a little bit of INSIGHT into the CARTELS. HSBC recently announced it is closing up shop to mere average people for some strange reason because they need to focus on the rich ones. The timing is interesting, considering what Mayor Rudy Giuliani is working on.

11 Comments on WATN: Hunter Wined and Dined Conducting Business with Cartels in Chihuahua, Mexico

  1. I’m starting to wonder if Hunter’s brief stint in the Navy was just cover for his recruitment by the CIA. The guy is an untouchable, spectacular, boiling hot mess.

  2. Remember when a waitress called police on one of Bush’s daughtes for trying to order a drink as a minor? And it was all over the news? Good times, good times

  3. It’s not the Biden Crime Family. it’s the Clinton crime family. Which family has the most mystery deaths around them. Obama gave them guns. It’s not just the cartel, any self appointed ruler around the world. They are in every government, security group, police, lawyers, around the world that wants to subjugate the masses.
    Specializing in everything, human trafficking, drug, guns, and welfare fuels the system. Not to forget the pedophiles hiding in the system.
    What their cut?
    Tell me I’m wrong………..

  4. Between the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media, crooked, on-the-take democRATs, limp-dick RINOs and totally compromised law enforcement, we’ve really fouled our nest here the U.S.!! We really need to start over.

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