Waukesha Residents Demand Wisconsin Gov Fires DA over Christmas Parade Attack – IOTW Report

Waukesha Residents Demand Wisconsin Gov Fires DA over Christmas Parade Attack

Neon Nettle: Waukesha residents are demanding that Wisconsin’s Democrat Governor Tony Evers fires the Milwaukee County district attorney over the city’s recent Christmas parade attack.

Gov. Evers is under mounting pressure to terminate DA John Chisholm after a man he released from jail after posting a low bail allegedly carried out the massacre.

The suspect in the attack, Darrell Brooks, Jr., is charged with killing several people, including an 8-year-old child, and injuring more than 60 others by driving an SUV through a busy Christmas parade last month.

Brooks had been previously arrested for running over the mother of his children in the same SUV. more here

10 Comments on Waukesha Residents Demand Wisconsin Gov Fires DA over Christmas Parade Attack

  1. Because all liberals are infants there will be no accountability. None, zero, zilch, nada.

    Most of us remember our toddlers trying to process guilt for bad behavior.

    “It wasn’t me it was Donnie Trump” footstomp
    “Donnie Trump did it first” footstomp
    “Donnie made me do it” footstomp

    “It’s not fair” footstomp

    You get the picture, toddler liberals are never held to account because liberal mommy and daddy never punish them.

    Do you think Governor Daddy is going to fire little Johnnie for acting like a flaming Marxist?

    No way in hell unless it affects his political hide.

    The greatest weakness we have on our side is being mature adults who expect accountability and fairness from their side.

    We take responsibility for our actions and punishment is swift, they are just laughing at us because they have zero morals.

    They give not two shits about grannies and children being murdered by a black supremist because these grannies and kids where white conservatives but if a white bigot plowed over a black parade the nation would burn to the ground.

    You cannot reason with a liberal because they are simply not adults. You can only spank their ass at the ballot box and that red ass whooping is coming like nothing you’ve ever seen.

  2. Is this the same Chisholm that abused the ‘John Doe’ laws to attack and raid Republican election officials’ homes and offices all because they supported Scott Walker? HOW did he keep his job after that bogus witch hunt?

  3. @TheMule December 23, 2021 at 9:48 am

    > [H]e doesn’t give a fuck about average people. In fact, he thinks he can get more votes because it was only white people killed.

    How dare you call them “people”, xir!? How dare you!?


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