Way to go, Kev – IOTW Report

Way to go, Kev

dumb ass

Kevin McCarthy: Too Dumb and Incoherent to be Speaker

ConservativeHQ: Just as the House Republican leadership races slipped off the front pages and lead segments of the news and back behind the closed doors of Capitol Hill House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy put the race for Speaker – which he hopes to win – back in the public eye, and not in a way that benefits his campaign.

A few days ago McCarthy appeared on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News and Hannity hammered him with a list of House Republican failures, broken promises and outright betrayals.  (While we don’t necessarily agree with all of Guy Benson’s analysis you can watch the video through this link to Townhall)

McCarthy relies heavily on Speaker Boehner‘s philosophy that “we have to formulate a strategy to win before we can even start the battle” not recognizing that Democrats see the battle as the whole game, and so merely to fight is to gain a victory because it shows ideological commitment, forces the agenda, motivates the base,  and makes the Party relevant.  MORE

18 Comments on Way to go, Kev

  1. Funny how McCarthy’s interview with Hugh Hewitt, supposedly the greatest interviewer ever, left nary a ripple in the water Hugh was carrying. It took pitbull Sean to expose McCarthy’s fatal flaw.

    We need a Speaker who is aggressive, preemptive, creative, knows what an OODA loop is and how to get inside the Dem’s loop. We don’t need the next guy in the establishment line giving huge sound bites to Hillary.

  2. He’s neither incompetent nor foolish.
    He is a Menshevik; torpedoing America and Constitutional Conservatives with malice aforethought.

    There are no unintended consequences;
    there are no paradoxes; and, in politics;
    there are no coincidences.

  3. McCarthy, Boehner’s low info, hand selected replacement.
    Another move by the establishment republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The more things change, the more they stay the same with Rinos in leadership.

  4. We have to saturate the House with demands for a conservative Speaker. Dump Kev.

    Unfortunately all of the House D-rats get a vote for Speaker, so if you have one of these creatures in the House let them know what you want. And you can remind them, the rules make them run for re-election every two years.

    Contact info for all House and Senate politicians.

  5. My own House Rep said when i wrote her to not elect Boehner again to speaker, “he is the only one who knows how to do the job”…she lost my vote forevermore…..

  6. If all works out the way I’m planning, he will be my rep in two years. Moving back home to MI and looking for property in his district. Not planned that way, it’s just where my family lives. They love him. All conservative family. Can’t wait!

  7. I don’t want a REpubliCANT majority to play nice and get along with the DEMocRAT minority………

    I want the REpubliCANTS to win and at every opportunity and grind the DEMocRATs noses in it………

    We’ve come to a take no prisoners, give no quarter point in our nation’s history.

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