Wayback Critter Machine 2021 – IOTW Report

Wayback Critter Machine 2021

This is a new Critter Feature idea from Col Angus! He suggested a theme where I take old Critter Posts from the past and re-run them. So, that’s what I’m going to do periodically. For us old folks, remember Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine? Well, I have one, and starting with this post, I will be going back to previous Critter Posts and re-run them. Enjoy this first Wayback Critter Machine,

“Let’s Go For A Ride!”

Images from:

1 Col Angus (Hannah) I have turned into the old man in the old truck that has a yellow dog with him nearly everywhere he goes. Hannah’s favorite activity in the world is riding in the pickup with her daddy. She would be content to go drive up and down the driveway.
2 FarmWife (Kippa) my travel buddy
3 Christy944 (Carpet) This is our neighbors cat who rode my engine to the office 20 highway miles away in a raging thunderstorm. Then he was actually smart enough to sneak into the vestibule crying until some one let him in. He spent the day with me wreaking havoc in my office. There was so much to knock off the counter. I think he enjoyed the ride home a little more riding shotgun the whole way.
4 Peter the Bubblehead (Nanook) enjoying a ride in the naked Jeep.
5 Peter the Bubblehead (Nanook and Tuukka) Both our boys love wheeling in the Jeep.
6 Douglas Wakeman (Emma and Domino) Taking a nap on their air mattress on the 2-day trip home from Oklahoma.
7 Claudia (Asher) He was one year old when we moved from Michigan to Minnesota. Asher didn’t like spending that much time in the car.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

8-11 Games Critters Play – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – What kind of games do your critters like to play? “You forgot to feed me” (one hour after they were fed), “Here’s the ball, throw the ball, throw it, throw it,” “Watch what I can do with that glass of water on the coffee table,” etc.
8-18 Let’s Have Dinner – What do your critters do to tell you it’s time to feed them?
8-25 Daydreaming Critters – What’s that faraway look in your critters eyes? What are they thinking about?

Thanks, “Old-Timers”!

9 Comments on Wayback Critter Machine 2021

  1. Claudia,

    Pretty cool. Don’t know how, but . . . wow.
    Thank You and all the IOTW’ers that made it.
    Please keep on keeping on making it.
    Thank You All.

    Also, since I couldn’t send a video, I will have to turn it in to some pics. Don’t know if ALL of those old sites are still up to take new downloads but I will look. If I cannot find just one pic I will have to send the video. Probably too big for email so I will have to look. Since this will take time, just remember this when you see that, then. Probably will be a memory stick. I will hit us with a memory stick then.

    C’est Fantastique Claudia
    D V


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