Wayne Allyn Root predicts Trump electoral landslide – he explains why – IOTW Report

Wayne Allyn Root predicts Trump electoral landslide – he explains why

In 2016, Root had what he called the taxi-poll. He’s from Vegas, which is a destination spot for people from all around the country. He asked cabbies to conduct polls for him. They reported that Trump was the overwhelming answer when asked who people were voting for.

His info was right, despite what the MSM was reporting with their oversampled democrat polls.

This year he is conducting a trucker-poll. Truckers are reporting from the battleground states that Biden is largely a ghost in what is a sea of Trump signs.

There are other key indicators that he cites in this essay for Townhall.

By the way, Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris had an event in Arizona on Thursday. Eight people showed up.

The liberal media is about to be shocked and awed on Nov. 3 — again. Trump is about to win an electoral landslide — again.

And this modern-day Paul Revere is right on the money — again.

16 Comments on Wayne Allyn Root predicts Trump electoral landslide – he explains why

  1. Signs don’t mean a thing to me because I used to be a trucker and IMO, the number of signs I used to see all over the country weren’t that good of an indicator of election outcomes. There are zero, zip, nada poh-lit-ickul signs in my ultra conservative neighborhood except at the end of the block where a small Biden/Harris sign is keeping company with a little larger Marx Kelly (SPIT!) placard. But everyone knows those people are just weird to begin with, so there you go.
    What I pay attention to is crowds – not the utter lack for Biden events but just how many of his voters show up for their “peaceful” Burn, Loot, Murder “protests.” They are roughly equal to the number of people who come to see the Trump Road Show. You can bet your azz, Aunt Teefah and Black Lies Madder people have already voted, multiple times in every state/location Soros has paid to bus them into for each of their “rallies.”

  2. There’s a Biden sign at the corner of the highway and our street. Coming home at night it’s up, but in the morning it’s nowhere to be found. Not sure how many signs they’ve replaced. (No, it’s not me taking it down!)

  3. The ideal situation would be a landslide for Biden in the popular vote and a landslide for Trump in the Electoral College vote.

    That way everyone can call themselves a winner and go home happy about their victory.

  4. The democrats are campaigning not on love of Biden/Harris but on hate of Trump and anyone presumed to have voted for him. That may be a winning hand in Bluetardtopia but it’s a shitty hand everywhere else. I’m wagering many people will sit this election out rather than vote for Biden simply out of dislike of Trump. Anybody who doesn’t like Trump’s personality surely must dislike Biden for being a creep and a liar, everything most people claim to hate Trump for.

  5. I’ve been praying for the end to the left’s voter fraud since Al Franken stole the election in MN. The fraud has increased astronomically.

    Since those who COULD have done something to uphold our free and fair election process haven’t done anything, I have increased my praying for God to forgive us and have mercy on us.

    I have been praying that those of us who know the truth and care, get involved. We need to run for, support and elect for office, true conservatives who will support law and order. Since President Trump won, I have been praying that those in President Trump’s administration fully support him and help him to drain the swamp.

    I continue to hope. I continue to pray. I continue to speak whenever and wherever to support Truth and Justice. Bring back law and order, fight corruption no matter where it is and pray to the God of creation who is holy, almighty and is faithful and true.

  6. Has anyone else also noticed the new slogan – vote blue. Not vote for Biden-Harris. Just vote blue or vote blue for truth. They know there is zero excitement for Biden and they can’t even stomach calling them out. And forget yard signs, a lot of people don’t want the grief. Look at all the Trump trains happening in blue states. I watched two videos of a street rally, Trump train that happened in Glendale, CA and in Beverly Hills and the amount of support is amazing. American flags, Armenian flags, Trump flags, Israeli flags… I don’t think they have a clue how many people that usually may not vote are going to turn out for Trump in 2020.

  7. I’ve seen a few Biden-Harris signs in yards around here, and only one Trump sign (behind a 6-foot high wrought-iron fence with spikes), but I’m pretty sure that’s because most Trump voters (like me) don’t want their property stolen or vandalized by feral Leftists. We ain’t stupid.

  8. RVing on the Oregon Coast, and Trump signs are everywhere on the South Coast; both high-end and more “humble” properties. Lots of RVers have Trump flags (me included). Have seen a few Biden signs, but curiously, they tend to be on vacant lots(?). The closer to Eugene/Salem/ Portland we get, the fewer signs of either candidate we see.


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