Our old buddy Wayne has an interesting counter to the usual Glenn Beck-like proselytizing. I guess two can play at that game.
Root stipulates that Trump is probably not a classic conservative, nor is he the first person you think of when listing inspirational Christians, but, does that disqualify him from being the right man for this moment in time, one that is in God’s plan?
This is an interesting rant.
ht/ c. steven tucker
I like his enthusiasm. We need more of that.
Mr. Root is what’s know as “on.”
In life he is upbeat.
He’s in motion standing still.
That guy is right on the money. Xactly. And again, the ultimate battle will turn out to be Globalism vs Nationalism. DJT just might be the savior of everything we hold near and dear.
On another note, The Right Poop posted something this morning so inflamitory I couldn’t resist ripping and tearing. I can still comment via Face Book. I’ve been banned thru their site. Anyway no rebuttal. Only agreement. Interesting. I guess all 17 of those idiots are finally catching on.
he’s right. Now is the time for a man like Trump. Its Gods timing. Its Trump Time
BAD Brad-
what was it??
Proper perspective. They post this shit while Hillary is being questioned by the FBI and given a get out of jail card by the DOJ?
Per https://www.facebook.com/trscoop/posts/1100490023358179
Idiots. Don’t they know you have to set up a foundation to be able to accept and launder foreign contributions?