Wayne Allyn Root’s Message To Conservatives – IOTW Report

Wayne Allyn Root’s Message To Conservatives

Wayne is a friend, and I have to say I would have left out one or two things in this video.

I love his argument for Trump, but I don’t like his berating of people who aren’t convinced just yet. Calling them whiners and having hissy fits, and saying if you don’t vote for Trump you can never be trusted again, is not a great recruitment tool.

The video is.



It’s not hissy fits people are having, it’s concern about doing the right thing at this point in history. Trump is an unknown, a wild card, and can often say some questionable eyebrow raising things.

Root does a great job of making his case that on some very core and key issues, Trump is “fantastic.”

I have confidence that as time goes on the contrast between Trump and Hillary will become stark, and not only will skeptics vote against Hillary, many will actually be voting for Trump.


15 Comments on Wayne Allyn Root’s Message To Conservatives

  1. I ain’t an early adopter of anything and certainly not the billionaire that’s just like you and me.

    Rest assured, everybody will pay for the Trumpensteins losing to Hitlary because of their lack of ability destroy the leftists.

    From what I’ve read, #ShrilPAC is going to start in on the Donald a month earlier, would suggest all the loyalists aim their cannon in the appropriate direction, you all have a helluva battle to win.

  2. “I have confidence that as time goes on the contrast between Trump and Hillary will become stark, and not only will skeptics vote against Hillary, many will actually be voting for Trump.”

    When millions of voters cross over from Indie and Dem to vote in the Republican primaries/caucusi to vote for Trump, they’re not voting against Killery, they are voting for Trump. Same with the affirmative vote by registered Republicans and Vulgarians (doggerel conservatives) for Trump. The differences between Trump and Killery have been stark from day one. If one cannot tell the differences, it seems to me they have bigger issues than a presidential election and probably need something for that.

    The people who have to learn to love Trump and his platform and who have fought and dreamed against him, will never understand what the nearly 12 MM who voted for him, see. I’ve chalked it up to a failure of imagination, at best. It is insulting, I think, to us who did see what there is to love, to be assumed to have been wrong. Trump, to millions of us, is not a wild card, and we like that he says unexpected things.

  3. “but I don’t like his berating of people who aren’t convinced just yet”

    Meaning Cruz fanatics. FUR you surprise me, a lot actually. You being a street smart guy from Nueve York City. Did, or do you think that bible thumping freak was electable in the general? News flash, no fing way. New York, no. California, he’ll no. Oregon, Washington, Florida, and yes even Texas in the general NO. What are you thinking. You should start listening to Pinko because your logical thought process is currently lacking the logic part. And honestly guys like this that wrote the article are thinking, WTF? Figure it out.

  4. Let’s just imagine, for discussion sake, that the Republican convention was held today and Cruz, through the art of delegate “persuasion” (stacking, that is), was awarded the nomination. That would mean that Trump’s 11,101,861 voters (to-date) would be disenfranchised of their vote. Cruz won 7,358,457 votes. A difference of 3,743.404 votes, including, of course, votes from the same primary states to-date.

    Cruz never would have had a chance in the GE against Killery; never would we be talking about putting into play states like NY, PA, and MI. Never, given the already proven inability for the hard evangelical conservative turn the Republican party has taken.

    Were we, the people, just supposed to stay the Republican course and pull in behind a Cruz candidacy against Killery because Republican? That’s what it sounds like to me. Just like we all had to enthusiastically support Willard and McCrappy before him? Many of us knew the party machines had won after Gingrich, Romney and Florida.

    And what the heck is this with all the Party ring kissing??! Doesn’t that tell us something? The Republican party is, justifiably, on the ropes and all they can do is arrogantly believe they are still relevant. Trump is being extraordinarily generous to let them all save face. This is what he means when he says, “I get along with everyone.” It’s not that he needs them, but he can use them. And isn’t it high time they were reined in to good purpose?

  5. Paul Ryan said it today, Trump is now the party leader. For those of you with a Charlie horse between your ears you got a couple months to figure it out. Mean while keep thinking about the supremes.

  6. I might add Ryan gained .0002 brownie points with me because of that statement. But WORD up, never trust a pussy that works out with kettle bells. We call them victims in my gym.

  7. I was all for Trump/Cruz 2016 and beyond but when Cruz first pulled those Iowa shenanigans with the Carson campaign my rabbit ears went up against him. I had an inner conflict about Cruz begin but I had to honestly look in the mirror from then on and I reluctantly told myself, “Cruz isn’t the guy who I thought he was.” Trump wasn’t either. He was MORE than I thought he was and I LOVED it! When Cruz blamed Trump for the leftist crap in Chicago I soured on him right then and there.

    Plus, Glenn Beck can’t interpret Mormon prophecy worth a 💩.

  8. just for Bad Brad.

    Sick of it yet?


    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate –

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.

  9. Above, AA made one particular point that struck a cord with me. Cruz could NOT have beat Hillary in the GE.

    He simply could not have. Not that he is a bad guy or would be a bad president. He just isn’t electable. Not against Hillary and the DNC fraud machine.

    Just look at the last two presidential elections. I anguished over the elections and hoped above all hope that he would not get in in 2008 and then again in 2012.

    But McCain and Romney just aren’t electable against the DNC vote fraud machine. They have no appeal. No edge.

    No vanilla white male politician will beat the DNC, possibly ever again. There has to be an edge. Cruz doesn’t have that edge.

    Trump has the edge. “but he’s not a true conservative” Blah Blah Blah. You are making my point for me.

    He is conservative enough that most conservatives will vote for him. He’s NOT conservative enough that many moderates and some libs WILL ALSO vote for him.

    He’s not a politician. That will draw libertarians. He’s got bling. That will draw blacks. He wants to enact policies to protect jobs. That will draw latinos and unions and blue collar dems and anyone who actually wants to work.

    THAT, my friends, is called AN EDGE. LIVE WITH IT.

    Hillary is weak. Her numbers are WAY down. She has no appeal. She has scandal. She is an unattractive, angry, phony, old white woman. We have to hit the DNC while they are weak and end this cycle. We have to hit them with our ugliest most blunt and devastating weapon we can drag out of the tool shed.

    Trump that bitch.

  10. Positing that Trump is not a politician is like claiming Sanders to be an economic genius. He is also very good at the inside game, that is why the convention leaders are rolling his way.
    If he can keep reading what the teleprompter says, and stop reminding people why they don’t like him, he stands a chance.

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