Wayne County Canvasser Changes Vote After Being Harassed By Ned Staebler, Democrat Activist – IOTW Report

Wayne County Canvasser Changes Vote After Being Harassed By Ned Staebler, Democrat Activist


Wayne County, Michigan, canvassers reversed course late Tuesday night and voted to certify the results from the November 3 election, which have been disputed.

The Board of Canvassers had originally voted 2-2 along party lines. The tie meant the election results were not certified.

But later into the night, the Republican canvassers flipped and voted with the Democrats, while the live video stream was down.

“After hours of angry responses from Wayne County residents, the change in course was approved by the two Republican and two Democratic canvassers with the demand that the Secretary of State’s office conduct a ‘comprehensive audit’ of precincts with unexplained out-of-balance tallies,” the Detroit News reported.

It is not clear if the approval was conditional on the “comprehensive audit,” or if the investigation was merely requested.


20 Comments on Wayne County Canvasser Changes Vote After Being Harassed By Ned Staebler, Democrat Activist

  1. …none of which should surprise anyone, from the militant Democrat, to the spineless Republican, to the complete lack of law enforcement interest, to even the Republicans giving the Democrats what they want now in exchange for meaningless promises for unspecified actions to be taken later that are always forgotten when “later” comes, its all here, we’ve seen this play so many times now that we could sing the chorus from memory and know EXACTLY how it will end, in the Republic dying just that much more…

  2. @JackPosobiec
    Take note what happened tonight. 2 Republican officials in MI stood up to the machine. Within minutes they were doxxed, threatened, and CNN/Politico labeled them racists. Where does this behavior lead?

  3. What makes a King out of a slave? Courage.
    What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage.
    What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk? Courage.
    What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage.
    What makes the Sphinx the 7th Wonder? Courage.
    What makes the dawn come up like THUNDER?! Courage.
    What makes the Hottentot so hot? Courage.
    What puts the “ape” in ape-ricot? Courage.
    What do Democrat Wayne County Canvasser’s have that Republican Wayne County Canvasser’s ain’t got? Courage!
    You can say that again.

  4. I just don’t know how i could have been stupid enough a week ago to buy this bullshit about republican legislatures saving us. How could i have been so dumb?
    thinking republican legislatures are going to save us is like thinking the federal reserve is going to stop printing money. Only a dumbass idiot believes either one.

    It is now up to the five supreme court justices and nobody else. I wonder if they have the integrity.

  5. Sidney Powell warned the other day talking to Mark Steyn who was hosting for Rush all these certifications are fraudulent. All the lawsuits they have they can amend to have a fraud charge if/when they have their Dominion case together.

  6. The solution is a do-over in the six swing states under investigation. (Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia). NO mail-in ballots, allow certified absentee ballots, and same-day in-person voting only using signed paper ballots (with persona ID). Each party may have an equal amount of poll watchers. Have the military supervise. Anyone whodisagrees to this would be shown to be corrupt.

  7. It was the muslim demo-commie rep Avraham Ayiash (s) threatening the republicans’ children that caused them to flip. Third world politics brought to you by the demo-commie.

    But if what Sydney Powell is saying they are committing fraud by certifying them they will not be able to use the excuse “…he threatened my children.”

  8. CC NOVEMBER 18, 2020 AT 11:00 AM
    “‘Racist” is so obama-era, yet it still easily removes the spines of repugnicans-assuming those vertebrae were in place to begin with.”

    …they’ve been doing that for awhile…

    …I know I’ve told this story before, but it remains relvant, more’s the pity, and there’s always new eyes, so…

    …many years ago, probably in the Reagan years or just after, my then-younger older sister was working a a Precinct Judge at a polling place for an election of no real consequence. My sister was a Democrat, but don’t hold that against her, they weren’t ALL evil then, but it is sigificant to the story because of what went on this parituclar day.

    It was later in the day and nothign really going on, folks were coming in by dribs and drabs to vote in the AME (African Methodist Epicopal) Chruch commmon room in this majority Black district in a majority Black city. This was a bit before identity politics were in full flower, but Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton were certainly doing their best even then, but there was nothing racial about this PARICULAR election, because being a majority Black district, it was bascially Black people picking between Black candidates.

    Anyway, this guy comes in and – remember, this was back when they still checked – asked for a ballot with no ID. They COULD vote provisioinal even then, so the poll worker asked his name and address, but was unable to find it on the list. You could NOT then vote provisioinal if you weren’t registered or in the polling place you WERE registered, so the poll worker went to the next level, my sister as Precinct Judge, to decide the issue. She too consulted the book of registration, and also called the Board of Elections (no Internet then, you HAD to call people), and similarly came up with nothing.

    Becuase of this, she had to tell this person he could not vote in that place on that day, he would have to get his ID and go where he was registered to go, IF he was registered to go there.

    …so, instead of leaving, he did what you would expect even today.


    …My sister, along with everyone ELSE in the room, was a bit flabbergasted at that pronouncement. Rather than answer him directly, though, when she recovered her commposure (quickly, she was actually pretty tough), she simply gestured and said ‘Look Around’.

    At the room in the AFRICAN Methodist Episcopol church they were in.

    That was STAFFED by Black people.

    And FILLED with Black people voting.

    …the point being that, if she WAS trying to supress Black votes, she was doing a pretty piss-poor job of it.

    This not being 2020, instead of killing her and telling a fawning media she called him “N-Word” while Democrats rushed to comfort him, he instead managed to look a bit chagrined, maybe because of the other Black people laughing at him at this point, and did leave without further trouble.

    The point is, that even then, the race card was so useful it was just an AUTOMATIC response to being denied ANYTHING to him at that point, so no thought or no observation of any kind went into it, just “I’m a BLACK MAN being denied something by a WHITE WOMAN, so RAYCISS it be!”

    And again, this was 20-30 YEARS ago, and it certainly hasn’t gotten BETTER since.

    …so why do they play the race card?

    Because it WORKS…

    …post script:

    it was at this SAME African Methodist Episcopal church that the “reverend”, who had a HUGE racial chip on his shoulder, once accused my ENTIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT of “letting Black churches burn” for delaying a few seconds on a smoulder in a fuse box while the local utility dropped power to the building that resulted in NO additional damage to his building, but he misheard part of a converstion that wasn’t directed at him the way he WANTED to mishear it and again tried to make it a big racial incident, and words can’t express how surprised our BLACK firefighters were to hear THEY would let a Black church burn, plus which again, if he WANTED it to burn from smouldering insulation he was doing a piss-poor job of it, but that’s a different story for another day, just throwing that in to illustrate that I don’t think this PARTICULAR guy would be on board with letting HIS building be used for supressing the Black vote, and also, just because I can…

  9. Some of you people have drunk ALL THE KOOL-AID if you think the original vote by the Republican canvassers was OK. I am a life-long Conservative Republican, and I agreed with everything Ned Staebler said.


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