WAYNE ROOT: The Trump Comeback Begins – IOTW Report

WAYNE ROOT: The Trump Comeback Begins

The Plan to Make Trump and America Great Again

Gateway Pundit – I am the author of the bestselling book “TRUMP RULES.” My book identifies the Top Ten Trump rules that made him one of the greatest winners in world history in business, branding, real estate, celebrity, television, publishing, and politics. Trump is the only person in world history to reach the pinnacle of all of those fields. And the only person to become both a billionaire and President of the United States. It’s not a bad resume.

Many critics think Trump’s winning streak ended with a presidential loss. I disagree. I know the man, I understand the man, I know what comes next. It may be Trump’s greatest chapter yet.

Simply because Trump is relentless. He may be the most relentless human in world history. The secret to Trump’s success is “the Art of the Comeback.” Every time he is given up for dead, he makes the biggest comeback yet. He never gives up, or gives in. He finds a way to turn lemons into lemonade. You can’t beat someone like that. You can’t bet against someone like that. As I always say “NBAT: Never Bet Against Trump.”

Before I get to the details of the comeback, let’s define “winning.” Trump’s critics think he just lost, therefore he’s no longer a “winner.” Not true. Back in 2016 Trump won the biggest upset in political history. This time around he added 11 million new votes. His 74 million votes were the most votes for any incumbent president in America’s history. Trump also received more votes than any Republican in history.

Sorry Trump haters, but that’s called “winning” at super human levels.

Nonetheless, Trump lost (on paper) and Biden won. Democrats, RINOS and the fake news media all believe Trump is finished. So, now it’s time for the greatest comeback in history- for Trump and America.

Read his ‘plan’ here.

Sorry, Wayne. You have the first two points reversed. He needs to focus on election integrity first before you can even think about electing MAGA Republicans to replace all the back-stabbing @#5%^#$&^@ RINOs.

There; fixed. Now enjoy reading the third point. I like it!

10 Comments on WAYNE ROOT: The Trump Comeback Begins

  1. Without election integrity America is completely lost.
    But, election integrity would require men & women with integrity in elected positions in order to effect the change – I don’t see this happening.
    I would love to be proved wrong in this outlook.

  2. ^^^ AMEN! ^^^
    Ole Wayne was in law school the same
    time Obungo was “supposed” to be in law school.
    Ole Wayne knew alot of folks there.He never heard
    of Obungo and his many friends never heard of him

  3. Hey Trump Media Network, if it is real will be great. I love a new media that is with everyone. Not fake news and BS stories that make me sick and we are no longer being heard. He is the only one that can do it!! Let’s roll!!!!!

    God Bless us all!

  4. Please no.
    Trump kept you in hope while the U.S.A. was stolen out from under your feet.

    More of the same coming, I guess.

    It’s like Q deja vu all over again.
    Trust the comeback.
    Have patience.

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