Ways The President Could Get Back At Joe and Mika – IOTW Report

Ways The President Could Get Back At Joe and Mika

The uproar over what the president tweeted about the host of “Morning Joe,”   reminded me that the previous administration was unafraid to use the levers of government to get back at its opponents. From the IRS, the intelligence community, to wire taps and using the various regulatory agencies to denying press credentials, Obama and his willing accomplices were all too willing to use the power of the executive branch to dish out punishment to U.S. citizens.

So what if the president put aside twitter for a while and decided to  use the power of the WH and / or the federal government.  What creative means can we come up with for making Joe and Mika wish they had kept their traps shut?

For example, I posted this idea to GAB this morning- ” he should have invited them both to some formal dinner with a prime guest list then not tell them they aren’t on the guest list until they drive up to the WH gate.  They’d get to sit there and watch everyone else get in. “

24 Comments on Ways The President Could Get Back At Joe and Mika

  1. Re-open the investigation into the odd death of one of his young female assistants found dead in his constituency office when he was a congressman and from which office he resigned almost indecently after her death. Yeah, I know kind of ridding yourself of a squirrel with a howitzer.

  2. Good one Doc. Better yet. Invite Joey Scar. Chrisy Tingles, and The Blitzer to a round of golf. Give them a 9am Tee time Then tee off at 7.30 am with El Rushbo, Sean Hannity, and Mark Steyn.

    What the fuck happened?

    Sorry guys, you got your Tee times fucked up. That happens a lot with people who don’t pay attention. Maybe next time.

  3. They have done an amazing job at killing off the last vestiges of credibility and integrity they had. Well, she never has any, that I could see. The epitome of a dumb blonde. Made a fool of herself anytime she opened her mouth.

    Amazing what happens to a man when he lets the wrong head lead him.

  4. I’m still waiting for the White House press briefing room to more CNN’s chair to the back, then remove it completely, then just take their press pass and kick them out.
    Get Acosta replaced, then kick out the replacement, and so on. See how deep their bench is.

  5. Omg! That is what she is marrying? Just like a good lib, nothing about true love just ratings, fanfare and 15 minutes of fame. Can you imagine waking up to either one of them in the morning? Fag and gag!

  6. Retaliate against Mika: post billboards in Times Square of her pre plastic surgeries.

    Retaliate against Joe: post billboards in Times Square of Mika pre plastic surgeries.

  7. “Ways The President Could Get Back At Joe and Mika”

    You DO NOT understand Trump. Those two idiots were useful tools. He’s on to another battle now. Eventually he will swing back to the two love birds when it serves his purpose. If only they knew.

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