We Added a “Like Post” Button – IOTW Report

We Added a “Like Post” Button

Menderman recommended adding a like post button because he says there are times he doesn’t have time, or feel the need, to comment on a post he likes.

Since bloggers tend to rate success or failure based on the amount of comments a post generates (this might not always be the case), this seemed like a good idea.

So, if you like a post, click the thumbs up below the post on the right.

If you think this is a good idea, click that button.

38 Comments on We Added a “Like Post” Button

  1. Yeah, Menderman! I saw your comment about my critter posts, but didn’t have a reply button to reply to you – hahahahahaha!

    Seriously, I am also glad the reply button is gone. It was such a bother to skim through the whole thread to see new comments.

    And I do like the “like post” button!

  2. so a ‘like’ button is added to generate more clicks….and the price to pay is the loss of the ‘reply’ button
    I’m w/ JS …. rather have an ‘edit’ button ….. but I understand how the market works
    …carry on….

  3. If there were a belly button we could have an inny or an outy.

    but it does not appear that there is a belly button lets just let fly with whatever takes place in a galaxy far far away

  4. I don’t know, a LIKE button sounds like too much commitment.

    What if I change my mind?
    What if Brad posts a comment that I don’t agree with?
    Can I rescind my LIKE?

    What if I only think Black Lives Matter?
    What if I am pissed at BigFurHat?
    What if Mr.Pinko doesn’t like a post I like because I deviated from the discussion?
    What if I have an erotic dream about MJA?
    What if I sober up and decide I don’t really like the post?

  5. Damn it Menderman I’m trying to reply to you directly but I can’t find the reply button. Oh I get it. This is more Ted Cruz cheating. LOL. I imagine we’d get along fine on the water.

  6. Come on guys, Peyton Manning is 39. God created no better competitor. No matter what or where you call home, this guy deserves to go go out a winner. Just my opinion. The dude does know the word quit.

  7. I like all the posts. But. I don’t have the time to comment
    on each one or click buttons.
    I read the BFH posts first when I’m busy.
    Later all the rest.
    I remember back in the 60’s some Hollywood celebrity
    asking a critic where the critics movie was. He wanted to
    watch it and critique it.
    Another words, I don’t even have a blog. I’m not going
    to cut down yours.

  8. I like the new button. There have been stories that I really liked but didn’t know what to say about them in a comment. A lot of times, somebody else has already said what I was thinking about writing. At least the button will let the author know that their story matters to somebody even if they don’t get a lot of comments.

  9. @Bad_Brad – re your Payton Manning post, there’s another thing we can agree on.

    Plus, if we had a reply button I wouldn’t have to type your name and the subject in order for you to know what I was talking about. 😉

  10. @ Unruly Refugee-
    I agree. Though I question the value of this new button at the expense of individual Reply buttons, which made the comment thread easier to follow. (I think Frank. and Eleanor In Hell would agree.)
    So: back to directing replies as per above.
    In many cases I want to respond to a comment, rather than the OP. As this is a tough crowd, I generally take some time to frame my comments. Even so, I sometimes find errors after posting. In those cases I miss the Edit button.

    How should I use this new button?
    Should I “Like” a post about some dismal bint with tampon earrings? Or muckin’ fuzzies overrunning the world? Or a deceased, Viagra-infested john amputated from a hooker? Or a pencil necked, bat eared charlatan mismanaging the Presidency?
    Or the latest cackle from Cankles?

    Keep up the good work, Mr. Fur.
    Button or not, it is truly appreciated. Pet portraits, and Claudia’s critters are always a treat. And the regulars here are among the best on the interwebs.
    MJA is delicious.
    I kinda miss the TD button.

    My $0.02.

    Does a click to close an ad generate revenue?

  11. Every thread gets a “like” from me. A lot of work goes into entertaining us, and I just want to express my thanks, whether I post or not.

    Of course a few bucks via pay pal would really really really express our thanks.

  12. The only way a “like post” button would tell you anything is if there was also a “dislike post” button. For instance, if 10 readers say they like something, but 100 others can’t say they don’t like it, can you really be confident that you are getting a positive review?

    Don’t think so.

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