We all gon’ die!!!!! – IOTW Report

We all gon’ die!!!!!


screaming woman

BigGovernment: The UK Daily Mail’s piece about the supposedly impending extermination of the human race would be great fodder for the old joke about how ideologically-blinkered media would report Armageddon: “World to End Tomorrow; Women, Minorities Hardest Hit.”

It’s also a great demonstration about how easily the press can be jerked around by those who know how to exploit its fetishes for sensationalism and bogus credentials. One of the reasons the global warming scam persists, decades into the absolute failure of its vaunted computer models to accurate predict the climate, is that nobody in the media is interested in running stories about how the world is not ending.

Here we have the alarmists taking it up a notch, and the Daily Mail reporting their prophecies of doom without informing readers of a very salient point right up front: the lead “scientist” is a hysteric who has never been right about anything, after decades of peddling apocalyptic environmental prophecies. MORE

10 Comments on We all gon’ die!!!!!

  1. OH NO! The Chicken Little Shits are saying, The sky is falling, the sky is falling again. When will we ever quit listening to these failed prognosticators, they’ve been wrong since the late 60’s and early 70’s and are wrong again. And the Pope is a fool for even listening to them. Women and children and minorities are the hardest hit as usual.

  2. Aesop…. he is more than the correct answer for 21 down in the crossword. his fable of the boy who cried wolf is as true an adage today as it was when Aesop wrote it. Maybe if the classics were taught in schools we might learn from the past.

  3. They never considered that maybe, just maybe, we are actually a virus to mother earth by design and all the energy we consume we’re suppose to consume. That’s a much more logical argument than stating we’re all going to die if we “don’t alter the course of mother nature.” 9 out of 10 scientists believe in global warming, apparently, and if that is so then 9 out of 10 scientists believe we can alter the path of mother nature and that is simply impossible.

  4. Everything goes extinct.
    We will last as long as God wants us to and not a minute more.

    You know what scares me way more than global warming?
    All the sharks that the Chinese are yanking out of the ocean to bolster their weenies are creating a void in the food chain.
    So instead of sharks as the Apex ocean predator, we will have the giant squid.
    Yay thank you so much, my shark phobia can rest now as I have replaced it with something much more horrible.

  5. I think you can believe in so-called “global warming” without thinking it was created by man. Contributed to by man, maybe, but you have to realize that the Earth has gone through many natural warming and cooling cycles before, over many millennia, and some have been much more extreme that the current one. In both directions.

  6. You get a more coherent conversation out of a three year old than anything a Prog says.
    Any being who thinks he can alter the future of the earth, is a fool on an errand.
    Everybody dies, I can without a shadow of doubt make that statement. Anything else, supposition, put forth by little chickens.

  7. People love their “End of the World” bullshit. Look at how many movies and stories have been made over this nonsense. I even got an e-mail stating: “The End is Coming – How You can Prepare!” Prepare for the End of the World? Huh?

    Light up a good cigar and pour a glass of your best scotch (no reason to save it, now) and get comfortable on the porch.

    Charlatans and snake-oil salesmen have been hawking this shit since time began. Al Gore’s just the latest and most successful.

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