We are all Mark Robinson – Fighting the Tyrannical Government – IOTW Report

We are all Mark Robinson – Fighting the Tyrannical Government

Watch this. These are the moments that are similar to the impassioned speeches we read about in the history books. If this assault on 2A continues, and there is a civil war, this speech by Mark Robinson will be included in the section of the history book where examples are given of politicians turning a deaf ear toward its citizenry, at their peril.

26 Comments on We are all Mark Robinson – Fighting the Tyrannical Government

  1. That was better than any prepared speech could’ve been. He tapped into the very deep reservoir of his personal convictions. Patrick Henry would be a follower of this gentleman! The are soles on that board ignore him at their own peril.

  2. The only thing I disagree with him about is I don’t think many of the majority will turn in their guns. If they do then turn out the lights because the party is over.

  3. I (reluctantly) clicked on YouTube to see how many views this had received – less than 5000.

    We need to spread this so that it goes viral. This patriot is able to articulate in a few minutes the cause and action we should all support.

    I am sending the link (from IOTW) to my friends.

  4. Wondering where he learned to speak like that? That is not something one is normally born or gifted with. An acquired or learned skill that I’ve seen in some of the “Southern Preachers” over the years.

    Would not surprise me to find out he is connected heavily with one of the local churches in the area.


  5. Good man! He spoke from his heart which is all-American. If push comes to shove, this guy will not surrender all his guns, he’s too much of a patriot.

  6. Loved the Rod Sterling, Twilight Zone, reference. And for clarifying that an AR15 is not an assault rifle, too often the media is allowed to get away with that nonsense. Thank you Mr. M.R.

    But still wish people would stop saying the right to be armed is a Constitutional Right. It is instead a God-given or natural right to be armed. The 2nd Amendment does not give us the right to be armed. The purpose of the 2A is to prohibit the government from interfering with that freedom or right.

    The primary purpose for the right is not to go hunting. It’s to give us a chance at self protection from the those who would harm us. Primarily government thugs, the criminals in government employment, who need to be reminded of that. Secondly the thugs who live in our communities, and third is just because I want to own a firearm for hunting or other recreational use.


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