We Are At War and Our Commander-In-Chief Won’t Recognize That War – IOTW Report

We Are At War and Our Commander-In-Chief Won’t Recognize That War

Kris “Tonto” Paranto is a great man and patriot, but I disagree with him on one point in this excellent video.

We are not up against “radical Islam.” We are up against Islam.

Islam is Islam is Islam. What we are witnessing around the globe, the violence, is authentic Islam the way it has always intended on being practiced.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

8 Comments on We Are At War and Our Commander-In-Chief Won’t Recognize That War

  1. I had the privilege of seeing Tonto, and two of his fellow Benghazi heroes, (Oz and Tigg I believe,) speak in Lubbock a couple months ago. They enlightened the audience with a few details not covered by the media or the movie 13 Hours. Couldn’t help but leave being in awe of them and countless others who serve.

    I agree about the fight being with Islam, and probably most warriors would also, although some may not stress the point publicly.

  2. If you own a gun and a Bible, you have already been labeled a terrorist and an enemy by BH0.
    The big surprise comes one day when you are turned down for a firearm purchase because your name is on a terrorist watch list, same list that the real islamic terrorists should be listed on, but are not.

  3. BFH, thank you for setting the record straight on islam, and please keep doing so. I harp on the ignorant around me to read the koran, read the koran, read the koran. Muslim behavior is easily understood — and highly predictable — if you’ve read that stupid book. Any muslim who denies what is in the koran is: a) committing taquia; b) an ignoramus who has never read it (frequently the case among the young Saudis I’ve chatted with on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica — they go to the mosque with their families, listen to the supremacist ramblings of the imam, but never actually study their own religion); or c) an actual muslim apostate, who should be supported and encouraged in their denial of this evil doctrine. It is a political, social and military system, cloaked in “religion.”

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