We Are the World Ranked Worst Song in Round #3 – IOTW Report

We Are the World Ranked Worst Song in Round #3

In round one, Imagine was ranked worst.

In round two, I am Woman was ranked worst.

In round three, We are the World has been ranked worst. (The Obama Song actually had more votes, but I realized that this might not be a released song on a record label. If It is, and someone can point to it, we will include it in our final round cage match.)

Previous rounds—>

Imagine won round 1 .

I Am Woman wins round 2.

The next round nominees will be in the comments.

Upvote the worst.

72 Comments on We Are the World Ranked Worst Song in Round #3

  1. BFH
    MARCH 25, 2021 AT 4:23 PM
    “Maragaritaville – Jimmy Buffett”

    …I despise Jimmy Buffet’s politics, but his restaurants are OK.

    I went to a since-closed “Cheeseburger In Paradise” restaurant near me once, where they had all-you-can-eat fries. I LOVE fries and can eat quite a many, and we were there for two hours with me getting refill after refill until the Mrs got cranky. I told her I was going to eat fries until Jimmy Buffet apologized for his attacks on Republicans.

    She made me leave anyway before I could bankrupt them. Something about having better things to do than watch me gnash spuds all evening to the strains of crappy Beach music, and a young son who was getting pretty antsy.

    ….but they DID shut down soon after, so maybe “mission accomplished” after all…

  2. Really don’t know why “Watching Scotty Grow” is not selected as #1 worst and horrible song of all time. It’s the creepiest song I ever heard – even the first time I heard it on the radio in the 70s.

  3. I’d like to nominate one of the most excruciating covers I’ve ever heard: Terry Reid sadistically butchering an already pretty bad Donovan song, Season of the Witch.

    The instrumental parts are pretty good, but that singing! Ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch! It’s a ten minute version but you’ll have heard all you need to hear if you can stomach it through the first four minutes. Pay particular attention for the interval from about 1:45 to about 2:10.

  4. Una Paloma Blanca – Not Slim Whitman’s (really bad) but the weird gay dude from Europe that Rush would play every once in a while. Can’t come up with the performer’s name.

  5. @Brad. I actually have that album on vinyl. Pre barcode.

    Crap. I have hundreds of vinyl and hundreds of CDs.
    But I only use Spotify.

    Anyone looking to acquire my stuff?

    I have some pretty obscure stuff. As well as the full Beatles catalog on vinyl. Captain Beyond. Very eclectic mix. Rod Stewart Ooh La la with the album that kind of folds in the back front so that the eyeballs move and the mouth opens.

    Like I said. It’s eclectic.

  6. c’mon … no Captain & Tennille anywhere?
    no ‘You Light Up My Life’? ~ Debbie Boone
    ‘Judy In Disguise’? ~ John Fred & The Playboy Band
    ‘Ebony & Ivory’ ~ Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney (Maca gets second billing again!)
    … ‘I’ve Been Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart’? ~ Johnny Cash
    nothing from ABBA

    maybe I just missed these ‘gems’

  7. Illustr8r and JM you guys get it! Glad you both agree, “Pass the Dutchie” is a great song.

    It has smooth harmonies, Jamaican rastafari rhythm and rhyme, plus the video is lots of fun.
    It just doesn’t belong on the worst song list.

  8. I love Rock and Rock too, just not this song, the only two lyrics she sings over and over and over again is the title and put another dime in the jukebox baby, at least change up the lyrics just a tad when you write a song. 😉

  9. geoff the aardvark, you are so right! “Snotty’s” a perfect name for that horrible song.
    Yep, “Honey” is even worse.
    Every song Goldsboro did was a gag fest, creepy stomach turner. LOL!

  10. I think the biggest reason my bother hates the song Watching Scotty Grow is because his name is Scott. And unfortunately he got called Scotty a lot growing up and especially by his 2nd ex wife who was a real sleazebag. She was a real alley cat who would screw anybody and everybody which is why his marriage to her went to hell. But he adopted her kids and they all turned out to be good people, go figure.

  11. BAR, No problem. We’re around the same age. MTV was a favorite of mine, especially the first five years. It was “rad”.
    Raggae is something you like or don’t – right away.

  12. PHenry we have always played games here.
    I say lets have more games on the weekend, we are going to need them to get through the next 4 years.
    Some times you win prizes or iOTW bucks which you can spend the world over.

  13. Where did I find Phillip Glass?

    I’m at a loss. He’s been foisted on classical music fans for decades. Resulting (naturally enough) in drunken brawls in an orchestral setting.

    His name is so ubiquitous amongst the intelligentsia that the mere mention of his name will cause the semiliterate to light up with smiles of pretended recognition.

    PRO TIP: destroy that smarmy cocktail party with a vigorous defense of the works of Aaron Copland. Trust me on this.

    Phillip Glass is everything wrong with modern society….but in music form.

    So yes….. I win.

  14. I was in short pants when disco shook it’s money maker in Americas face.

    I don’t come on the scene until that CHiPs episode aired where the cute teen aged mall girl gang kidnapped the old man in the Mercedes convertible thus resulting in a low speed drama filled highway rescue attempt by Ponch and John.

  15. “I was in short pants when disco shook it’s money maker in Americas face.”

    Oh really. You might have forgotten the passwords to that blog, but a few of us still remember. “Stayenalive”. Go ahead, deny it. LOL

  16. Reading some of these comments reminds me of this really dumb song about a horse with no name – at one point the singer says something like “the heat was hot,” which has to be the laziest, lamest songwriting ever!

    Also, American Pie is awesome, but I can understand the associations that ruin things for people. (I think of my brother writing down the lyrics for me.) I went to school after the hippie thing wore out, so I didn’t go through school with them. Didn’t dig the grunge thing as much as some others, but Chris Cornell had a great voice.

  17. In case no one else did, I will nominate the song I HATE MOST in the world. Hands down winner of worst song EVER.

    The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.


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