“We are trained Marxists” – IOTW Report

“We are trained Marxists”

17 Comments on “We are trained Marxists”

  1. This situation is going to require widespread de-programming.
    To accomplish de-programming efficiently will require specialized equipment, my personal choice is .45 ACP.

  2. “We are trained Marxists.”
    “We are super-versed on sort of ideological theory.”

    They flunked Marx 101 and dropped out?

    In other words, they’re amateurs.

  3. Marxists are taught that humanity has no value except as collateral for the cause.
    Training involves socialist tactics to accomplish the goal of total domination and complete annihilation of the “enemy”.
    As a former marxist this was understood among my colleagues. Marxism is pure evil. That’s why I’m no longer a marxist. These people are headed for terrible consequences they absolutely deserve.

  4. 99th Squad Leader, from the wonderfully allegorical Spanish movie The Spirit of the Beehive (which I highly recommend):

    Teacher: And what is the heart for?

    Student: (Silent – does not know.)

  5. @Agatha Kakalogical – “…I read “we are trained monkeys”. Oh Lord, I’m gonna be cancelled…”

    I can fix it for you. “We are trained Moonbats”. Not as edgy, but still makes a statement.

  6. I already showed this video to five people- one of which was pretty shocked at the blm attitude, they think they can’t be stopped so now they’re openly admitting that they’re cultural marxists.


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