We Can Make a Love Connection – IOTW Report

We Can Make a Love Connection

We can hook this guy-

with her


A West Virginia Man has been charged with kidnapping and torturing a woman with a blowtorch.

Police responded to a call in Philippi, West Virginia, on Tuesday to a woman hiding under a porch from 47-year-old Sammy J. Martz.

The woman told police the man had hit her in the face, causing her eye to swell shut, according to WDTV.

The woman told investigators that when she was trying to leave the home early Tuesday, Martz held her against her will and tortured her for hours.

According to the outlet, Martz threatened to kill the woman, striking her body, sitting on her, and burning both her stomach and leg with a blowtorch.


18 Comments on We Can Make a Love Connection

  1. Blowtorch? Not many of those pressurized gasoline/kerosene torches around; I’m confident that they don’t manufacture them any more. Maybe they meant “propane torch.” Different tech.

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