We Cannot Have a President -Sanders- That Has This Childlike Understanding of Economics – IOTW Report

We Cannot Have a President -Sanders- That Has This Childlike Understanding of Economics

Reddit is reporting that the Sanders team deleted the post after his idiotic error was pointed out by nearly everyone on the right.



10 Comments on We Cannot Have a President -Sanders- That Has This Childlike Understanding of Economics

  1. Regardless of what the reality is, it just feels right to show how evil and greedy capitalists are. And what is this crap about student loans anyway, I thought he wanted it all to be free.

  2. The Paws-Out-for-Freebies at others expense crowd do not care what he says…it’s all about getting other people’s money this crowd didn’t earn themselves, but want to steal with the federal blessings of corruptocrats and Dhimmiwhigs…Bernie MadHatter Sanders only knows the “give and tax others” scheme..paying for anything is beyond his scope of reasoning….He fails to grasp that the more money the feds print without backup plans to pay back lessens the value of that script, hence making it shortly worthless as the whole ship sinks around his stupid head… socialist >>> communist>>>disintegrating nation>>>>traitor….thanks Bernie Mad Hatter!!

  3. maybe in the make-believe world he lives in they can take back the college education if you don’t pay for it. Like some kind of sci-fi brain extraction machine. The education becomes a thing that can be put in and taken out, like Johnny-Mnemonic or The Matrix.

  4. Bernie’s a fucking parasite. All he understands is parasitism. He is a tapeworm in the bowels of American society. Our entire political class consists of nothing more than tapeworms in the bowels of American society. Come to think of it, you can throw in Academia and the unions, as well. The citizens who have fallen for the parasite paradigm are simply mislead, and would work if there were no alternative.

    We need a serious purgative.

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