We Drove Less But Had More Fatal Accidents During COVID Lockdowns – IOTW Report

We Drove Less But Had More Fatal Accidents During COVID Lockdowns


Driving was markedly down in 2020, yet a new report found a surprising and alarming statistic: Traffic deaths actually rose last year.

The National Safety Council (NSC) says deaths from motor vehicles rose 8% last year, with as many as 42,060 people dying in vehicle crashes.

When comparing traffic deaths to the number of miles driven, the rate of fatalities rose 24% — the highest spike in nearly a century, NSC says.

“It is tragic that in the U.S., we took cars off the roads and didn’t reap any safety benefits,” Lorraine Martin, NSC’s president and CEO, said in a statement. More

20 Comments on We Drove Less But Had More Fatal Accidents During COVID Lockdowns

  1. My quite suburban residential street turned into a freeway. I’m the guy in my front yard screaming SLOW THE FUCK DOWN YOU ASSHOLE. I do not swear when children are present. These self centered asshole speeders will get there just deserts some day. And where are the police??

  2. Well, you can’t pay attention to what’s ahead of you and give dirty looks to all the people NOT wearing a mask while they’re driving. Or yell out your car window at them!

  3. I suppose we’ll never know how many accidents were caused by drivers passing out because they were wearing face diapers.

    Still, it could be murder hornets hitting the windshield or flying through an open window of a moving car causing the crashes.

  4. Every day it seems someone crosses the center line into my lane on certain roads. People driving like maniacs, too fast for conditions, and all kinds of mindless behavior. It’s been very noticeable. I’ve gotten to where I can barely tolerate being around other people, even in a grocery store. By the comments above, others have noticed it, too.

  5. @Jethro

    That is Exactly what I have noticed.

    1) nerves & mental issues etc.
    2) Fogged up glasses with masks and re-breathing their own CO2 (some people are wearing them when driving even alone?)
    3) less traffic to slow them down

    surprising actually.

  6. The judge gave him a week to pay the $540 including fees even though the jackass said he could pay it immediately.

    I wonder if the judge would be the same with one of us?

  7. Texas I-45,most dangerous highway in America.
    When Kronos Krud first hit traffic was so light
    on I-45 you could drive 100 with no problem.
    No cops to be found…

  8. During our travels, we have noticed the closer you get to a big city, the worse the drivers are. By far, the worst city we have been through so far is Albuquerque NM. If assholes could fly, that place would be an airport. Even worse than Reno, NV if that is possible.


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