“We Elected Conservatives To Stop the Fundamental Transformation of America, Not Facilitate It” – Admiral (Ret.) James Ace Lyons – IOTW Report

“We Elected Conservatives To Stop the Fundamental Transformation of America, Not Facilitate It” – Admiral (Ret.) James Ace Lyons

“I reject the term radical Islam. That implies there are moderates. There ain’t any.”  – Admiral (Ret.) James Ace Lyons.

ht/ tsunami.

I start with the end of his speech first, you can go back and watch from the beginning after the money shot.

And then watch our two warriors speechify at the same venue: Islam and the West – Are They Compatible?



8 Comments on “We Elected Conservatives To Stop the Fundamental Transformation of America, Not Facilitate It” – Admiral (Ret.) James Ace Lyons

  1. Watch all videos.

    Pam Geller and Robert Spencer remind us that we are at war. Not a war of our choosing as shit pickle Gary Johnson frames it, but a war of survival in the age of stupidity.

    Btw. Johnson seems to have an awful lot of dough running ad after ad on Limbaugh I heart radio. I’ve got my suspicions about his financing. Does the evil nazi play into this mix? Soros bucks.

  2. Watched both and included daniel greenfield as a topper.
    I am livid at our republicans. Beyond livid. Foaming mad. That this 88 year old gentleman speaks the truth and the mccains, boehners, ryans, etc. have participated in this great country’s destruction pisses me off.
    An 88 year old man. My God. Where is truth and strength and honor? Once his generation dies, will true men be a fading memory?

    This sickens me.

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