We Had Troops At the Ready That Could Have Saved Our Boys in Benghazi – IOTW Report

We Had Troops At the Ready That Could Have Saved Our Boys in Benghazi

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

ht/ all too much

25 Comments on We Had Troops At the Ready That Could Have Saved Our Boys in Benghazi

  1. “We Had Troops At the Ready That Could Have Saved Our Boys in Benghazi”

    Holy crap! I knew that when I first heard the BS story.

    Am I really that intelligent or is it that some facts are just a little slow to come out??

    Our political system needs a complete overhaul….NOW!

  2. What kind of sub-human cruds could sit idly by on their safe and overly protected behinds and watch four Americans die at the hands of vicious killers, like Obozo and Rod-Ham did and still to this day lie to avoid responsibility?

  3. Hillary is like Satan in that both are masters of death and destruction. She is pure evil.
    She needs to be in the 9th Circle of Hell with Cain and Judas for eternity.

    Prayers for the families of Hillary’s victims. They may never receive justice.

  4. When this first happened 9/11/12 I could not believe the stories that we “we could not get there in time.” It blew my mind. We have Air Force in Aviano Italy, and Rota Spain. 1500 miles from the coastal city of Benghazi. We have Navy in the Mediterranean.
    And now this comes out? Makes me want to vomit. I just hope I live long enough to see some scumbags responsible, squirm.

  5. how much you wanna bet Panetta mysteriously ‘kicks the bucket’ (ala Sandy Burglar) before he gets to start answering questions?

    …if I were little Leon I’d start watching my back…. knowwaddaImean?

  6. If Hillary and Barry were replaced in that whipping scene above, neither would show any remorse for this episode or any other evil thing they’ve done throughout their lives. As for Hillary, she doesn’t need an election; she needs an exorcism.

  7. Bitterclinger,

    I disagree completely.
    Hillary doesn’t need an election or an exorcism…..

    She needs an execution….A single 44 magnum center mass would work just fine.

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