We Have 2A To Protect Ourselves From a Government That Would Impose This On Us – IOTW Report

We Have 2A To Protect Ourselves From a Government That Would Impose This On Us

Learn from this. This shall never happen here. Do not vote for anyone who is not willing to put a stop to this.


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This is how a government can callously destroy your life, unwilling to listen to the will of the people.

ht/ Ser_Davos_Cworth

25 Comments on We Have 2A To Protect Ourselves From a Government That Would Impose This On Us

  1. Heartbreaking to see Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s savage muslim brotherhood destroying western civilization. Every liberal imbecile who ever chanted “Hey, Hey, Ho Ho, Western civilization has got to go!” will end up in that special place in hell reserved for certain women who don’t help women – that were raped by that woman’s husband.

  2. That woman is describing the advancement of the islamic caliphate during the more “peaceful” stages. After it gets going, she won’t be around to complain about it any longer.

    The goal of the caliphate – Dar al islam – is when all the non-moslems are dead.

  3. Just so I have this straight:
    – Big Government saw a Global Crisis and wanted to help
    – Big Government in France allowed 100’s of thousands of Islamic immigrants to come in.
    – Big Government sent them upon happy small towns.
    – Small Citizens under Big Government were raped and robbed.
    – Small Citizen speaking out.

    OK, got it.

  4. Vietvet, that may or may not be true. Remember that liberalism is a terminal mental disorder. The French leadership wants to feel they’re doing good, and they may sacrifice the French population in order to feel good about themselves.

  5. Tommy, I’ve got no sympathy for a group that won’t fight back. My community would be whacking and stacking after the first rape. And further more local leo would either be looking the other way of helping.

  6. BFH. I just replied to Brad’s comment but when it came time to post, the “post comment” thingy just disappeared. I couldn’t retrieve it and lost it. It’s been happening a lot these past few weeks. Really pisses me off. Is there a cure?

  7. Tommy, that’s been happening to me a lot. Thought it was just me, however I comment from two different computers and an I phone and it happens on all of them.
    Dying to hear your comment. Tee it up again.

  8. Brad I feel the people of Europe have been living under socialism since WW11. They depend on the government. Now that the government has truly gone against their will and is, in fact, scuttling them. they have no place to turn. I feel that there are many Germans,Swedes, Frenchmen, who would love to kick ass,as the Russians did last week, but the English bloke, Tommy Robinson, was arrested for his effort. The “post Comment” is dis

  9. It just happened again. After so many lines is disappears. I was going to add that if our government gives the orders, our LEOs
    will protect their pensions and obey orders. Just like they are doing in Europe. I hate to say it but the only chance we have here is the 2nd Amendment, and our government is taking a good shot at that these days . (almost lost it again.Som tin wong.)

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