We have a new contender for dumbest person on the Tee Vee – IOTW Report

We have a new contender for dumbest person on the Tee Vee

Lawrence O’Donnell is now the new standard bearer for the absolute stupidest thickskulled, marble-brained utterance.

O’Donnell proclaims that a bullet from an AR-15  travels 3x faster than one from a handgun so there is no way a teacher with a gun can stop a would-be murderer with the AR.

Then he points and laughs at the president and the NRA.

Yes, a bullet from a 9mm goes about 1200 feet per second.

A bullet from an AR-15 goes about 3200 feet per second.

But what in Maddow’s Beard is this guy talking about? Even if the school shooter and the teacher have a gentlemanly duel and stand back to back and go ten paces and turn and fire, if they fire accurately and at the same time they are both going to be hit.

What the hell does the speed of the bullet have to do with anything? What is this, The Matrix? Someone is going to spin out of the way of the “slow speed” 9 mm bullet?

In a close firefight the speed of the bullet is absolutely meaningless. “If only my bullet was faster,” was said by absolutely no one who was laying in a pool of blood, dying.

It’s whoever fires first and with more precision that is going to win the fire fight.

This has to be the most idiotic thing I ever heard.

HT/ Bad Brad


37 Comments on We have a new contender for dumbest person on the Tee Vee

  1. faster bullet would chip a tooth when trying to catch it, even worse if it is the killing kind that flips on contact.
    slower hand gun bullet can easily be caught like on those tee vee shows

  2. Air soft – Mach 4+

    4,631 MPH

    Obvious answer: Ban air soft before ar-15, rifles, handguns, in fact you need to upgrade to artillery shells at 5000+ MPH in order to get something faster. Talk about DANGER to the public.

  3. Personally, I think my chances of hitting something with either a Glock or an AR 15 from 1000 yards away are 50/50 at best, regardless of how long it takes the bullet to get there.

    And yes, I watch a lot of movies where all guns are accurate at those distances, so it must be true.

  4. If the left screams emphatically that arming teachers is NOT the correct solution – you and both know unequivocally that it IS the solution.

    Remember: The left NEEDS victims to survive as an ideology.

    Common sense by arming trained teachers to react with a weapon nullifies the ideology of the left because it disintegrates the idea of perpetual victimology and results in personal empowerment, personal responsibility and liberty; all of which are Kryptonite to libtards.

    Bottom line: We WILL arm our teachers.

  5. Idunno…Katie Couric and her Dutch ice commuters legend is the new Gold Standard for me.

    thirdtwin, different competing categories; “Ugly American Insulting an Entire Nation” and “Stupid Twerp Insulting Everyone’s Intelligence”

    And I’m still going with O’Donnnell saying the stupidest thing I’ll hear in my lifetime.

  6. I guess that’s why NVA troops always dropped their weapons and fled in terror when Americans opened up with their M-16s. Because the M-16 rounds travels faster than an AK 47 round.

    Must also explain why NVA were never concerned when the M-60 opened up on them. After all, the M-60 round is slower than the M-16 round.

    Imagine if O’Donnell had been a lieutenant in Viet Nam. I’m guessing he would have lasted 15 seconds in a firefight before one of his men “accidentally” tossed a hand grenade in his lap

  7. No wait a minute, i just did some math

    Let say the two weapons square off at 100 feet and both fire at exactly the same time. The round from the AR-15 would hit in about three one hundredths of a second. Meanwhile, the pistol round would take almost one tenth of a second to hit its target.

    That would leave the shooter with about seven one hundredths of a second to continue on his rampage and gun down who knows how many more kids. Dozens probably

    O’Donnell is right, what’s the point? No wonder those all those brave Broward County cops all stayed outside

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