We Have Nothing To Fear But the Sky Falling – IOTW Report

We Have Nothing To Fear But the Sky Falling



ht/ FDR in HEll

15 Comments on We Have Nothing To Fear But the Sky Falling

  1. I’m sorry to go so totally off-topic, but is there anything to worry about with the rumored large number of electors refusing to cast their votes for Trump? I wasn’t sure where else to ask this.

  2. @Brown-Eyed Girl: No, for many reasons. A lot of states legally require their electors to cast their ballots for the candidate that won. Most Republican states, which are the majority, appoint their electors which will cast their votes for Trump. Trump has too much of a commanding lead to really worry about this, and if for some reason enough electors vote for someone else and Trump does not get 270, the matter goes to Congress which is Republican.

    The biggest reason is that most leaders know that if the electors choose Hillary over Trump, there would be a revolt and chaos would ensue. The President governs with the consent of the governed, and anyone but Trump would be considered illegitimate. Not even Democrat leaders would allow this to happen – it would mean the end of the Republic.

  3. Difficult to comprehend how our parents destroyed 3 nations in 4 years, but their dumbass kids elect pussies and traitors that cannot beat the mohammadans and their backward countries.

  4. When you consider how FDR manipulated the amount of casualties so that they would be much higher (bc our government expected an attack from japan in hawaii/wanted an excuse to fight Hitler), it just makes this post even MORE obama-like, doesn’t it? The heinous and gross disregard of human life just to enrich his own coffers. Typical of a radical socialist.

  5. waging modern warfare is a central bankers social experiment.
    we have had us troops in the middle east since 2001 supposedly fighting “terrorists”.
    besides the deaths and maiming of our soldiers, large swaths of the population and usage of large amounts of military equipment what can we say was truthfully gained by this investment by our political class and their financiers the central bankers? (the central bankers made lots of money through interest on loans to buy the military equipment). then the political class turns around and invites the immigration of those same people we are fighting into our country? same with our nato allies in Europe?

    if that’s not a social experiment then tell me what it is?

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