We Have the Trump Card – IOTW Report

We Have the Trump Card

No matter what Trump does we can simply point at Bill Clinton.

12 Comments on We Have the Trump Card

  1. There was a time when Presidents didn’t have their “Bodyman” living in the White House…

    “Shoes were always the biggest challenge for the senator. The man was particular about his feet. He wouldn’t just throw on any old pair of mukluks. They had to look a certain way, feel a certain way. Anytime he couldn’t wear his favored dress flats, it was an issue.”

  2. Trump TALKED about grabbing ’em by the pussy.

    Clinton actually grabbed ’em by the pussy.

    In the 90s that was called, “private behavior and none of your damn business!”

  3. “No matter what Trump does..” ???!

    Very first sentence implies that Trump has done or will do something that rivals not only the sexual, but the policy misdeeds of Slick Willy. Please recall the many selfless and anonymous acts of kindness Trump has visited upon random people in distress. I detest being on the back foot, defending Trump against crappy comparisons.

  4. Abigail I believe the point is that we need to keep reminding the media and the left about their hypocrisy. Not be defensive but shove it down their throats.

  5. When I saw Obama disrespect the famous desk in the Oval Office by resting his feet with shoes on the desk tells you the character of the man. Below Zero. Ronald Reagan never entered the Oval Office without wearing a suit and tie. He respected the People’s House.

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