We Have To Recognize Our Power – IOTW Report

We Have To Recognize Our Power

HT/ CrackerFJBbaby

18 Comments on We Have To Recognize Our Power

  1. Donald Trump should be looking close at her as a potential running mate. Plenty of time to check her out. You cannot go on for that long extemporaneously unless your convictions are solid.

  2. And don’t forget Jael either who drove a tent peg into the head of Sisera head of the bad guy Caananites thus securing victory for Israel at the hands of a woman. She lured him in, promising to keep him safe and then drove a tent peg into Sisera’s head while he was supposedly safely sleeping. Who says women can’t lead when God calls them to do so. And then there’s Joan of Arc, also used by God, one of my favorite personal heroines. Read the book by Mark Twain on her life, it’s well worth reading.

  3. Amen! What a brave warrior patriot. PERFECT declaration. Love her righteous fire!
    Yes, we are at war to perserve The American culture, mindset, citizenship and our Republic.

    One of my favorite points of her speech was to share the truth of mandates, and if not received even by family members- stay in peace and keep it moving, YES! Don’t waste your time with the foolish. It’s on them.

    God bless our Founding Fathers who by God’s guidance created the solution to tyranny – The Constitution of the United States of America.
    “We are the People, We are the Magistrate”.

    Really hope she gets President Trump’s attention. She can spark the black conservative leaning urdanites on the fence. That can broaden Trump’s inner city demographic. The Demoncrats can’t hold on to them anymore – the Brain-drained Xiden policies/mandates made sure of that. LOL!

    Hope she continues to stay strong and faithful. Something tells me she’s solid.


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