We HAVE To Vote For Biden, Otherwise the Poor Jerk Will Remain Grief Stricken Over the Death of His, Apparently, Idiot Son – IOTW Report

We HAVE To Vote For Biden, Otherwise the Poor Jerk Will Remain Grief Stricken Over the Death of His, Apparently, Idiot Son

Did I just call the dead son an idiot? No. I said “apparently.” I’m still open to the possibility that Beau, wide-eyed, feeling death upon him, said, “promise me you (unintelligible)…  run for the …. presidency.”  The unintelligible part being “won’t.”

I would think the ones closest to Joe would know just how big a moron this guy is, and, for the love of God and country, Beau couldn’t go unless he was assured the world would be safe from his mentally retarded father.


Image: FireAndreaMitchell

Now we learn it was Joe, himself, that leaked the “dying wish” story. So, we can be assured the entire incident was completely fabricated. In fact, people are saying that there are multiple versions of the story Joe tells, just like a number of his other tall tales. (See “I gradeeeeated at the top of my law class.” Sadly, and predictably, Joe graduated at the bottom.)

This is vintage Joe. He can finally move on from the story of his family being killed in a car crash, a story he told so often that it became uncomfortable for us because of the guilt that poured over us as we said, God forgive us, “enough with the car accident, Joe.”

Now he has a deathbed story, a story that he believes a presidency can be built upon. Some politicians have all the luck, right?


26 Comments on We HAVE To Vote For Biden, Otherwise the Poor Jerk Will Remain Grief Stricken Over the Death of His, Apparently, Idiot Son

  1. There hasn’t been much negative news about Biden this year.
    That’s because he hasn’t been running for president. The moment he throws his hat in the ring he will get dumped on from all camps – particularly Hillary’s and particularly Bernie’s.

  2. He really looks sad and depressed in all of his public appearances. He just giggles and smiles and gives attack speeches… thats all. Hes really suffering a lot from the grief of Bo dying. So he just plods along, stays in the public eye, stumps for Obama, does late night talk shows, all because he is struggling with sadness and grief. Thats the normal thing to do. Giggle, joke, back slap, molest, ride on luxury jets with young female staffers.

    Hes a real champ. What a guy… Holding back the tears and depression and cracking jokes and traveling around the country to lecture unions and college kids. Hes a swell guy. God love ya Joey… just a kid from Scranton… God love ya.

  3. The only time I wouldn’t feel sorry for someone who lost a child is if they immediately used that loss to generate political gain. Especially if they falsely represented the wishes of the dying.

    A person like that, well…

    A turd like that could go to hell as far as I’m concerned.

  4. He wasn’t so giggly when he was interviewing Robert Bork. He is a vicious person who would do anything to be president. Will be fun to see him and Hillz kill each other off.

  5. Who could forget his psychotic aggressive posture in the VP debate with Paul Ryan? For a second, I thought Biden was going to start strangling Ryan on stage. Judging from the look in Ryan’s face, I think he did too!

  6. Biden bragged that his son was in Iraq or wherever a coupla years ago. Well, he was a lawyer and surely didn’t see combat. Look up Joe Biden’s performance in the 95 Waco hearings if you want to see a craven a**hole……… He could tell a 12 year old girl that it was her parents fault they are dead cause they wouldn’t come out in front of snipers…

  7. He ruined Ryan’s career that night, to be sure. Any chance that Ryan ever had at higher office was buffaloed right off the stage, and he’s been nothing but a beaten, RINO agenda rubber-stamper ever since.


    Joe’s schtick won’t fly with The Donald. Donald will stick his cheesy hair-plugged head straight up his own ass.

  8. It was … ahhh … you just can’t imagine … and I don’t want anyone to actually have to go through what I went through … but … ahhh … really … the crushing grief … the swelling of emotion … that … ahhh … sometimes seems to overwhelm you … you feel like you could just lay down … and ahhh … go to sleep or cry … just forever … when that scoop falls off your cone … right into the dirt …


  9. I think that people forget that Biden has had a few inter-cranial surgeries, as they haven’t been well publicized.

    But he’s cracked in the head.

    The Obama regime mostly keeps him under wraps, but when he does surface every few months or so, there’s at least a 70% chance that he shits the bid rhetorically, and perhaps, later back at home, even literally. He’s old, he’s confused, and he’s going down.

    If he wasn’t such a noxious lying prick for most of his career, you’d almost feel sorry for what Trump is going to do to him.


  10. He should be very depressed.
    His time spent in Catholic school must’ve sowed a seed of what his future holds. We are all sinners, some more than others.

    And about personal tragedy, Joe knows how to parlay that for maximum political gain. That’s how his career got started.

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