We hear this word in pop culture all day every day – now a Nascar racer is suspended indefinitely – IOTW Report

We hear this word in pop culture all day every day – now a Nascar racer is suspended indefinitely

Never has a word been so ubiquitous and forbidden simultaneously. The “n-word” reveals the folly of left-think.

NEWSER– The race was virtual, but the consequences of using a racial slur are very real for NASCAR driver Kyle Larson. The 27-year-old has been suspended without pay by his team, Chip Ganassi Racing, and suspended indefinitely by NASCAR for using the N-word during an iRacing tournament livestreamed on Twitch Sunday night, USA Today reports. “I can’t see it. You can’t hear me? Hey (N-word,)” Larson said after apparently experiencing communications difficulties with his spotter, who is white. Another driver told him: “Kyle, you’re talking to everyone, bud.” The iRacing platform has also suspended Larson indefinitely for using “offensive and inappropriate” language, reports the AP.

Larson, whose mother is Japanese-American, was one of the first drivers from NASCAR’s “Drive for Diversity” program to make it into the NASCAR Cup Series, CNN reports. He tweeted a video apology Monday. “Last night I made a mistake and said the word that should never, ever be said. And there’s no excuse for that,” Larson said. 


33 Comments on We hear this word in pop culture all day every day – now a Nascar racer is suspended indefinitely

  1. Good grief! That particular community calls each other the N word 5,000 times a day.
    And what ever happened to “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never harm me”?

    Thinking I’m getting too old

  2. Blacks aren’t infants.
    They know the ‘N’ word thing is theater
    So Liberal whites: You are classless little pukes fighting your war of wokeness
    Nobody wins
    But sooner or later everybody runs afoul of the mob

  3. 1 – He’s Fucked
    2 – NASCAR is pathetic with 3 stage races
    3 – E racing with NASCAR drivers & real commentators is pathetic

    Stopped watching years ago once the last 20 laps could no longer be run without 3 cautions and 40 minutes of yellow laps.

  4. Is there some way we could trick governor northam into saying it?

    I’m fooling myself. If he could get away with the blackface and saying its OK to kill infants then him saying knee guhr during his inauguration speech wouldn’t even be noticed.

  5. It is beyond sickening how ‘political correctness’ has taken over common sense and culturally cognizant discourse.

    ‘Yes, I know why’ but it’s as disgraceful as bad-mouthing your own parents.

  6. N

    Oh my God.

    He said N

    Brought to you by the letter N

    I’ve lost patience with the professional butthurts and pearl clutching cowards.

    Spare me the details of your miserable lives.

    I don’t care. Really. I don’t care.

  7. “nigger” is a wedge, PC payback word. It’s the perfect example of leftism controlling the national lexicon. What would you expect from a culture that allows itself to be quarantined for an un-designated time frame. For all the China lovers out there, being Black in China is like 1959 in Alabama. Visit Australia some time if you get lonely for the “nigger” word. America is a great place to be a minority without the nanny state BS. Hell, in the UK they have a popular bar drink called a “nigger”. As far as I am concerned, if Black Rappers can say it, so the hell can I (even if I don’t)

  8. That’s what happens when you drive in circles all day. You get dizzy and fall on your face. Political correctness has made us so thin skinned it’s a wonder someone saying good morning doesn’t get you shot.

  9. “I can’t see it. You can’t hear me? Hey (N-word,)” Larson said after apparently experiencing communications difficulties with his spotter, who is white.

    So if the spotter had been black, it would have been OK?

  10. He should of put on some black face first like governor coon man. Then all good.
    Q: Why are blacks free to say any words they want but everybody else can have their life torn to shreds for a one time deal?
    If it so bad why not stop using it themselves? Because some like the power to distroy, they don’t care about the word at all. Sick.

  11. I love the print ad for a dyslexia foundation which pictures a Klansman carrying a sign that reads, “I hate GINGERS.”

    Only my close peeps know what I mean when I use the word GINGER. Oh, and now you iOTW readers do.

  12. He NASCAR lighten the fuck up! Even my Lilly white ass has been called NIGGER by my brothers in arms in combat…It was usually used as a term of endearment not a slur. We also had a squad leader by the name of COON who too was whiter than shit…the Brothers really had fun with him! 🙂

  13. Outrageous travesty! The white elements on the left are responsible, those of the darkness, have taken the lead in inappropriate word listing and new meanings of words. Damn them … or us for letting it happen. I ask how does it feel to be so weak that mere words can offend you so deeply? Your ancestors must be proud.

  14. If anyone ever listened in on regular Joe Blow Iracing or just about any video game out there they’re always using that word and many other choice words. Iracing is stupid and so is NASCAR and that includes their diversity program.
    I would say Larson could just go back to dirt, but even they are becoming all so PC. A driver this year at the Chili Bowl said he was niggered up. Something every damn racer knows has been said around racing forever. He lost his ride and was also told to leave the Chili Bowl.

    I would imagine Jack Hewitt wouldn’t be welcome in NASCAR today. You know they’d flip over saying queer as well.


  15. A rodeo clown was suspended for life for donning an Obola mask during his routine.
    The feigned outrage is amorphous enough to fit whatever situation arises.
    The fact that NO ONE is actually offended doesn’t enter into it – the media decides what outrages who – regardless whether he exists or not.

    That whole (who can say “nigger” and who can’t) issue has become tiresome.

    The whole point of “Freedom of Speech” is to enable society to IDENTIFY the differing factions, not to suppress them. But, as usual, the morons missed the point.

    There’s an old joke:
    Q: When does a black man become a nigger?
    A: When he leaves the room.

    The joke highlights the paranoia of the “black” man and generalizes “nigger.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. On-line gamers are calling each other “N-Word”…
    “Damn! That N-Word shot me!”
    “Hey, what’s happenin’ N-Word?”

    Give up the fight, fookin’ PC Police. You might as well put up with the w.o.r.d.


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