We Let Foreigners Poison Our Children – IOTW Report

We Let Foreigners Poison Our Children


17 Comments on We Let Foreigners Poison Our Children

  1. We let everyone destroy us but continuing to bs suckers for the GOP. They are not with us – in fact, they despise us. Trump is our political party, period. The GOP needs to die off.

  2. Who is ‘we’??

    My “tin-foil hat”-protected independent will told me since 9-11 that the world has become poisoned soil.

    God bless my father and his BEST advice: “If they tell you to jump off a bridge, are you gonna do it?!”

    Say NO to drugs. Remember when Grandma complained about her aching hands but still wouldn’t even put ONE aspirin in her mouth!!?

    I am 65 and take NO medications. F big Pharma, F modern medicine, F obozocare, F ALL governments the world over…
    and absolutely FJB and ALL his puppeteers. I will trounce them in Hell, they should expect it. They have it coming.

  3. Tik Tok, fakebook and other social media are also destroying our children’s lives. As well as all the freaks who are trying to normalize homosexuality, gender identity, climate change AKA globull warming etc. I have heard nearly every variation of the sky is falling in my nearly 71 years now and it ain’t happened yet.

  4. Guess it’s time for the Narcan commercial again. I won’t belabor it this time tho, just to again tell my fellow Ohioans that you don’t even have to get off your computer now to have it mailed to your home. Here’s a link…


    …other states have similar and sometimes even easier programs. YMMV. Name a state and I’ll look into it for you.

    …as for whether you SHOULD, well, the Fentanyl is potentially in EVERYTHING and poisons innocent children and the elderly; but even for “dirty junkies” I leave that to your conscience…

    ““If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, none other of my race,” returned the Ghost, “will find him here. What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”

    Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief.

    “Man,” said the Ghost, “if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child. Oh God! to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust!””
    -Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”.

    …It takes a miracle to turn a junkie around, and Narcan isn’t a miracle.

    But it may just provide a chance and a motive to meet a Man in the business of miracles. His Father’s business, you might say.

    God gave ME a second chance when I didn’t deserve it.

    It’s the least I can do to give others a second chance to come to Him in return.

    …you never know what plan a merciful God may have for even a drug addiction.

    See Mike Lindell for further details…


  5. Yes, most Americans aren’t aware of how bad the Fentanyl drug epidemic has become. However, Fentanyl’s got nothing on the CCP poisonous weaponized “vaccine” that will have detrimental health effects for generations of Americans on a much larger scale.

  6. Same for me, I had a girlfriend who belonged to an Assembly of God church in 1972 when I was 19 who I didn’t believe at the time what she was telling me about God. She must’ve prayed for me because shortly after I had joined the Navy at the end of August 1972 I was miraculously saved while in bootcamp. I saw her only once afterwards in Oct.1973 and never really got a chance to thank her for praying for me. Thank you Patty, for believing in me and helping me to find God. It’s made all the difference in my life over the past 51 + years now.

  7. Many analogies come to mind. Correct word?

    Life / Skating

    Sometimes you never know how close you’ve come…

    Skating on thin ice doesn’t always give you the clues or cracking sounds…

    You just managed to skate past or over disaster with something unseen taking care of your blind self. Sometimes the extra chances given are never realized for when they happened or appreciated for what they’ve given.

    The title of “Ungrateful SOB” comes to mind.

    Thus ends Anymouse’s Sunday service


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