We Lost a Mighty Voice When We Lost This Man – IOTW Report

We Lost a Mighty Voice When We Lost This Man

11 Comments on We Lost a Mighty Voice When We Lost This Man

  1. That man was my hero… the left actually respected him because he wouldn’t back down, and of course he dies at 42, Limbaugh checks out too early. Every personality that tried their hand at investigative journalism gets a billion dollar bounty put on them from every corner of the planet to shut them up. It’s just madness at this point and I don’t see where it ends. *sigh*


  2. I remember scrolling through a bunch of sites and on Twitter and reaching out to iOTW to confirm what I was reading was true. Completely shocking and sad. It was a big leg sweep knocking the wind out of the tea party movement after he passed away. I always wonder what might have been if he was still here.

  3. He’s preaching a version of “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    It shut up the Pharisees then. It shut up the SEIU mob today.


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