We Lost Snowball the Sourpuss – IOTW Report

We Lost Snowball the Sourpuss

Cracker Annie sent the bad news.

He’d been in the hospital since Feb 24th. It started with colon issues and one thing led to the next until his heart gave out.

“This hurts. He will truly be missed.
…Our Gang from the beginning, Fur, will always be the best.” -Cracker Annie

Yes, yes it will.

72 Comments on We Lost Snowball the Sourpuss

  1. Bless his heart. It’s hard to lose people that you know fairly well (even to some extent as much as you can on the interwebs). What little I personally know about him from his comments, he seemed liked a good man. Today’s generations don’t seem to be up to the task of replacing actual good men for the most part. Prayers and best wishes to his family and friends.

  2. RIP Snowball. We’ll miss you. (I’ve been missing the grumpy cat with lime peel helmet for a few years now.) Ditto re the old timers, first class group of punsters.

  3. I just attended a funeral yesterday. Sadly not one person spoke of this person’s walk with Jesus or if she was saved? I hope Snowball did know Jesus and is now in Glory.

  4. I’ll miss that funny avatar and his comments. Condolences and prayers for family and friends who are mourning the whole, real-life person.

  5. Our loss is Heavens gain. No colon problems in Heaven, he’ll be healed at the hand of the Lord to never know sickness and loss, as he has passed through the grave as we all must one day.

    He has his reward, and we need not trouble for him any more, but rather should be happy for him to have finally gone home. Instead, we should focus our prayers on those he left behind, that they may know the Lord’s comfort and strength in their coming days of trial.

    Dear Lord, we come before You today in celebration of the passage of our brother whose true name is known to You, that we can be happy for him even in our sorrow that absent from the body is present with the Lord. We ask that You comfort those who knew him best and loved him most with Your Blessed Assurance that he is indeed with you and that all may be reunited at His feet by and by. Please comfort them in their loss, strengthen them to do what needs done, and use this as everything to draw them closer to You. Touch all those in need that they can feel the joy in You even through their tears.

    In the loving name of Jesus I pray,

    God Bless,

  6. I am so sorry to hear Snowball has passed away. I hope his family can find comfort that Snowball is now in Heaven. The IOTW “family” keeps losing wonderful people who have been commenting here from the start and I haven’t forgotten any of them.

  7. This came out of nowhere for Snowie. He had no idea how far gone his colon was. It’s no fun getting it checked but it’s absolutely necessary. He was a special guy – a true friend and a passionate person in his love for people and this country. This is really hard to take. See you on the other side.

  8. I firmly believe they are running around us in the spirit world. Dwelling on the painful departure takes away from dwelling on the loving connection we feel with them. Snowball with always be part of the family.

  9. Rest in Peace, Blessings and prayers for Family and Friends.
    Share the best qualities, character and memories, it will be difficult,
    But it brings warmth to the heart and bond with your loved ones.
    My condolences.

  10. I never know what to say in these situations because I only knew of, however I did not know him. So I read the comments to get a better understanding and can see he was well appreciated here.
    Rest In Peace sir!

  11. WOW…I just hope that our Lord can find a special place for the IOTW Family in heaven. A place where we the “like-minded”could all be together to talk, to remember, to honor.

    Sweet peace be upon snowball

  12. Conservative Cowgirl
    MARCH 12, 2023 AT 10:04 AM
    “The IOTW “family” keeps losing wonderful people who have been commenting here from the start and I haven’t forgotten any of them.”

    It does seem the next iotw get-together will have to be on the other side, but it will be epic with just those who have gone on before us.

    But all things are perfect in the kingdom of the Lord, so we’re going to have to find other topics than what we’re used to here.

    Thank God!

    May the Lord touch you all as I keep in prayer for you. We all need prayer support, myself included, but sometimes it takes the passing of one of our number to remind us again what is TRULY important and get those prayers up to Him where they belong.

    God Bless and comfort you all,

  13. Sad news to hear that Snowball the Sourpuss has passed on, because he will truly be missed. Praying the Lord gives mercy, comfort and peace to his loved ones and friends.

  14. Looking back to one of the first passing threads I recall of an iotw original, Moe Tom, as announced on 10/13/19

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/get-well-soon-moe-tom/

    …I then went through the comments and looked at other old friends we no longer can share the wisdom of. I thought it would be fitting to remember them now as well.

    In no particular order, and just those that I know for sure have gone to the Lord;

    Moe Tom



    Plain Jane

    ghost of brig gen j glover

    And those are just the ones I am 100% sure about. Scrolling down that thread, I saw many more old friends we don’t hear from any more. I’d like to think they just went on to other things, but I know many were older and in poor health, so this list may be longer than I realize.

    Like I said, gonna be one wonderful iotw meetup on the other side. God blessed us with them for a time here, and it will be another wonder to see them as they truly are there where there are no politics or infirmaties, no evil or corruption, no sickness or hatred, only joy and love in the light of the Lord forever.

    May we all get together over there.

    God Bless,

  15. …just one more thought on friends that have gone on before us…

    …it actually isn’t my thought, but I remember seeing this comment in the wake of Moe Tom’s passing and found it a bit later. It’s a pretty wonderful encapsulation of the feeling of loss in our small, strange relationships here…

    OCTOBER 13, 2019 AT 1:32 PM
    @Illustr8r – Brown Eyed Girl’s comment was beautiful.

    “I don’t know how it could have happened that a bunch of people I will probably never meet who possess names I will probably never know could have worked their way into my heart so that I cry when I read that one has passed. God bless and keep each and every one of you.””

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/idea/

    …that was from a memorial page idea thread. Still an interesting idea, but probably a lot of work at this point.

    But the memorial will be ever in our hearts.

    I’m glad to have met them to what little extent possible here, and all the rest of you as well. At least we kept each other amused as we danced with each other in the ruins of our once-great civilization. At the end of the day, its nice to know not everyone is insane, and thanks to BFH for being ringmaster of it all along with MJA, Irony Curtain, Claudia, Dr. Tar, Illustr8r, Mr. Pinko, Hippie Critic, and those that were before my time like Menderman and Admin Girl.

    Thank you for creating a forum where we could lift up each other, if only for a little while.

    God Bless,


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