We Love Our Mothers – IOTW Report

We Love Our Mothers

Images from:

1) TennDon (Wood Ducks) Mama Wood Duck shepherding her little Woodies looking for tasty veggies and bugs. Radnor Lake, Nashville, TN.
2,3) PHenry (Roadrunner) I was shocked that this reclusive bird came across the yard to sit with me. Not the only miracle that day. I was grieving over my mother’s impending death and this dude came over to tell me it was OK.
4) Pixabay.com
5,6,7,8) Unsplash.com

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

5-21 You’re My Bestest Friend – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critter buddies, other critters, toys, or you!
5-28 Memorial Day – Rememberance of sacrifice.
6-4 I Need A Cuddle – Let’s see your cuddling critters.

A wonderful thanks to all who contribute their photos!

10 Comments on We Love Our Mothers

  1. Happy mother’s day and thanks to Claudia for again giving us a break from the noise to appreciate the good in life.

    PHenry, I am sorry you were grieving for your mother, but it sounds like God sent you a Comforter when you needed one, He’s like that. My wife calls Cardinals her “worry birds” because they seem to come to her when she’s in distress and take. her worries with them when they leave, perhaps another sign of His love and mercy. But you say it was not your ONLY miracle that day. Please don’t leave us hanging, I’m sure that, especially given the context, I’m not the ONLY one interested in what other miracle you received that day? If its not too personal, I know some things are just between you and your Lord.

    God Bless,

  2. @SNS
    Here’s the rest of the story.
    I had flown from Virginia to Nevada to be with Mom, but she was so out of it that she barely recognized that I was there. My sisters and I were with her all day, but left for a while. The house was silent. No TV or any noise, I sat with her and realized that the Bluetooth speaker I bought for her a few years back was right there.

    So I used my Spotify account to bring up her heart throb, Neil Diamond.
    Very softly. Then she woke up and said ‘turn it up’. We then had a nice conversation and she was with it.
    When my sisters returned their jaws dropped open as mom and I were talking and laughing like the good old days.

    All day it was total silence and mom was checking out. But that little stimulation brought her back for a bit. Our last moment together.

  3. Thank-You for that wonderful story, PHenry, what a beautiful family memory and precious gift you were given before she went on to be with her Lord!

    But I don’t say “last” gift, because love is forever, and beyond the grave lies more than memory. You will be reunited in your time, and the memory of that parting will be the starting point of an eternal time together with the Lord, remembering what was even as you glory in all that’s to come, in bodies shorn of weariness and illness and age and pain.

    Seems to me God sent you three blessings that day, just from what you’ve shared here.

    He gave you that time to say goodbye together, sent you a Comforter when you needed one, and took your mother home to be free of her earthly afflictions where she could await her children in glory and peace when your tale is completed and you move on in your turn.

    Is it not amazing what a message a little bird can bring?

    On this Mother’s Day look back to the blessing you were given of a lady who raised you well and properly, and laid down her burdens only after you could stand on your own. Not everyone gets that, so revel in the time you had together and look forward to the time you will see her again.

    God Bless you and all who will spend this Mother’s Day laying flowers on a grave, but not on a mother for she is not there,



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